News About the Roundabout

Remember back when I last mentioned the blasted roundabout? Well, it’s not gonna happen! I’m so happy, I could dance. Hell, I could do the roundabout death dance! Before I say anything else, I want to fix the reporter’s mistake. There was no support worker. The person who walked through the roundabout with me was …

I’m Running Out Of Names For These Thought Posts

Here comes another thought splatter. Enjoy. Silly Trixie has a new morning habit. She usually sleeps out in her bed in the living room. I have no idea why. But at some point in the night, she gets up and comes to the bed by me. But she used to just come in and lay …

Hands Off The Guide Dog!

I got an email from Michelle in Australia who stumbled across the blog. Woohoo! She told me a story and asked me if I’ve had the same thing. I’d have to say no. She asked if I’ve ever had someone actually physically grab and try to drag my dog a few inches away from another …

Christmas Ramblings

I figured I’d write a few Christmas-related thoughts. Holy crap, I’m actually getting my Christmas shopping in order. I just need to pick up a few things, and get a couple more ideas, and I’ll be done. Of course, a lot of this stuff has to come through the mail…so there’s still a lot of …

Lots And Lots Of Doggy Thoughts

The other day, I said I had a dog-related post. Finally, I’m getting around to posting it. I warn ya, this one’s a monster. Back a couple of christmases ago, I got a Furminator for christmas. I love this thing. It’s great for getting a whole lot more hair out than your run-of-the-mill zoom groom …

It’s A Pile of Thoughts!

This is a pretty sad state of affairs. I’ve been meaning to write some random stuff down, and started compiling a list about two weeks ago…and I’m finally starting to write it. I have so many things written down that I thought I’d better split it into dog and non-dog posts. So let’s start with …

GDB’s Online Gift Shop Is Back!

Just a quick plug that the GDB gift shop is alive and kickin’. Well, mostly kickin’. It appears I can’t make an account because I’m Canadian. They have all kinds of obscure islands there, but not Canada…unless you’re in the armed forces that is. Edit: The one who needs kickin’ is me. If you just …

Guide Dog Handlers All Ways Blog-A-Thon

I figured I’d start today off with a quick plug. Guide Dog Handlers All Ways, a group of Guide Dogs for the Blind alumni who also have secondary disabilities, is holding a blog-a-thon on November 14, 2009 to raise money for GDB. From 8 a.m. eastern to 8 p.m. eastern, members will be posting everything …