Here’s a more detailed article about Gannon’s getting lost and found. Wow. How far is Valley Springs from Lodi? And since he wiggled through an enclosed porch, should he be renamed Houdini? I’m kind of glad he was found without a collar. There was a sceptical part of me that couldn’t figure out how whoever …
Category Archives: guide dogs
Trixie-Related Ramblings
Here comes some more Trixie-related stuff. I don’t know if this post is quite long enough for R to sit back and put her feet up and read, but it’s longer than that other wee one I wrote. There are two things Trixie does right now that are mildly annoying. Hopefully I can get one …
Gannon Update
They found Gannon they found Gannon they found Gannon! I’m so happy I could dance. I guess the family that scooped him up when he was wandering around saw an article in the news about him being missing and returned him to the raiser. Yea!
GDB Is Now Offering A Reward For Gannon
Well damn it. Gannon is still missing, and now, they’re offering a reward for his safe return. Please, oh please let them find him safe and sound.
Some Trixie Questions Answered
I had a couple itcy bitcy Trixie updates that I thought I’d throw in a post. Since our neighbours moved into the place where Mylo used to live, I was worried that the place would still smell like Mylo and Trixie would refuse to go in. Nope. I went there last night, and Trix came …
Missing GDB Puppy
Oh boy, if I were this family, I’d be so upset right now. Apparently, Gannon, a 12-week-old puppy being raised by a GDB puppy raiser, has gone missing! Oh god. I hope they find him. It’s been a few days though, so I’m a little worried. The little thing would have just gotten off the …
Thoughts of All Shapes And Sizes
I wanted to write a blog post about random things, but I’m not as cool as R. She can create something out of absolutely nothing and make it look so easy…and hilarious. Me, I need a list. Then I can go nuts. You know in those commercials for osteoporosis drugs where they say that rarely, …
Yea! Woo! Yea! Woo! Dance dance dance. I’ve been holding off on this news because I wanted to make sure it was true. But I know it for sure. Remember Mylo? The little hell-hound that jumped on Trixie and liked to have a piece of her whenever he could? Well, it’s official! He’s gone! His …
Here Boy. Watch Your…Oops
I can’t remember if I’ve mentioned this specifically before. If I have, it needs mentioning again. If you see a handler and guide dog standing at the top of steps, for the love of Pete, no matter how strong the urge is, do not, under any circumstances, urge the dog down the steps! Got it? …
So Long, Ed Eames. I Never Knew You, But Thank You
The other day, I heard that Ed Eames wasn’t doing well and was probably not going to make it. Now, I’ve heard the news that he’s gone, and I feel like such an idiot for not knowing exactly who he was. I had seen the name in connection with guide dog-related advocacy projects, and knew …
Continue reading “So Long, Ed Eames. I Never Knew You, But Thank You”