In The Center Of The Roof, On A Quest For A Woof.

I came across In the Center of the Roof when I was wreading Life with the Dogs and started to read it. I thought her blog was pretty neat. She has just recently lost her vision, but she’s getting on with life with a passion and a zeal that we all need. And she’s applying …

I wonder How She’d Like To Be Kicked In The Jaw.

What kind of freak kicks a guide dog? I guess a 46-year-old woman freak from Minneapolis does. Lynnette Lijewski and her guide dog were just walking into Target, when some woman went out of her way to hoof the dog in the jaw! What disturbs me more than this incident was what I saw as …

Large Babble-Fest Comin’ Your Way

It’s been a little while since I’ve talked about whatever I wanted without a singular focus, and the mood struck me to do it, so here I am. Mother Nature is a miserly old witch this year. She gave us a short summer, and then, right on schedule, brought the fall! There is something in …

>Looking Out for Your Guide Dog After You Die

>Somebody asked a good question on a list I’m on. It was originally phrased as “can you specify in your will who gets your guide dog if heaven forbid, you die suddenly?” This was quickly answered, and it was said that whether or not you have signed over ownership of the pooch, it’s your wishes …

Giant Thought Motherload Comin’ In

I’ve had a few things I’ve wanted to write down, but I’ve been kinda busy and when I’ve had a second, I didn’t have the focus I wanted. Now I think I have what I need to write. Speaking of being busy, I’m still pretty busy right now, so the new template will have to …

Stuff That Came Out Of My Head

Ok. Must take another break from labeling. I have everything labeled up to December of 08. Only 7 months to go. Go me! God, I turn into such a labeling zombie. I get so used to typing “news, that was dumb” that things that don’t deserve that tag almost get it and then I have …

Thought Splatter

Hey there. God, I’ve been labeling posts so long that my brain felt it had to write blog posts for nourishment! So here’s one. It’ll probably suck, but oh well. This labeling job is a bitch and it’s harder than it seems. You’d think categorizing our splattered thoughts would be easy, but sometimes I have …