Remember how I said there was a possibility that I’d meet up with Trixie’s raisers in Niagara Falls? Well it’s happening. tomorrow I catch the bus and go meet ’em. I’m all kinds of excited and nervous, and a little sad that Trixie has contracted an ear infection, the first one in nearly two years. …
Category Archives: guide dogs
Re: Mylo
I rescind my request to be friends. I now officially hate you with a passion. There isn’t room enough for all of us. You can leave! Trixie and I were coming down the elevator. We got to the third floor and it opened. Trixie thought maybe we were getting off, so stood up and stepped …
Dear Mylo:
You live in the building with me, and have for at least as long as I’ve had Trixie. You’re a little dog. In fact, I can hold your head in one hand. I don’t know what kind of dog you are, but you’re small. What exactly is your issue with Trixie? If I’m out alone, …
I Shouldn’t Have Seen Shadows Of Doubt
A few weeks ago, I said I was going to see a play that my friend Anton was in. I said I was worried about it being lame. I couldn’t have been more wrong. In fact, I think people should see it far and wide. It’s awesome, and not just because Anton was hilarious in …
There’s A Reason She’s Called A Guide Dog
I had a bus driver say something to me the other day that, no matter how many times I hear it, makes me raise my eyebrows. I was getting on the bus, and the driver said, “Wow, you do pretty well without that stick.” At first I just thanked him and sat down, wondering if …
Continue reading “There’s A Reason She’s Called A Guide Dog”
Here Dumbass dumbass dumbass. That’s right. come Here. over here. *Slap*!
I’ve got a new dog story for ya. I’ve bitched before about people making kissy noises at my dog to get her to move, or calling my dog from across the lawn when she’s taking a poop. This one’s a whole new level of what the hell? I got on the bus. I sat down. …
Continue reading “Here Dumbass dumbass dumbass. That’s right. come Here. over here. *Slap*!”
The Most Successful Bath By Far
Well would ya look at that? I have a very clean dog, and our bathroom isn’t wet. I went to that place I was talking about that let me bathe her myself but had all the stuff there so I wouldn’t have to deal with the mess. Everybody in Guelph, if your dog needs a …
New GDB Alumni Chapter Forming
Here’s a quick note to anyone interested. There’s a guy in Toronto, Chris, who wants to set up a Canada-wide chapter of the GDB alumni association. All the meetings would be done through conference calls, and maybe some get-togethers will get organized. It’s open to anyone in Canada who has a dog from GDB. If …
Doggy Tale-Ends
I realized my title might freak someone out. No, Trixie didnt’ die, and I’m sure I’ll be writing more stuff. I was trying to be somewhat funny, and probably epically failed, causing several unintentional heart attacks. There were a few things I forgot to mention in my last dog post, and then a couple more …
Searching For Trouble
Pulled from our tracker: 31 May, Sun, 15:56:20Yahoo:fakeguide dog covers I know you’ll probably never see this, Mr. anonymous search douche, but raaar! If you’re doing what I think you are, you can eat a bag of hell. Ok, now that I’ve got my rage out of the way, I’ll try and form a more …