John Q. Public’s Intro To Guide Dogs

This article about getting a guide dog does a pretty good job of describing the complexities in the matching process, the relationship between the dog and the handler, and lots of other stuff that people often ask us. And the best part is it’s written by someone I know! Shermeen is graduating with her new …

The Night Santa Went Crazy

Ever since I got my CPAP machine that I call Santa Claus, I’ve been having a lot more dreams. The rush of dreams is almost as pronounced as when we got our new mattress…which is nearing the end of its days, I think. At least some of these dreams are just amusing and they aren’t …

Jon Q. Public’s Newest Set Of Questions

As I get ready to write this post, I realize that for each guide dog retirement, I’ve needed to write one of these. Here’s the one for Babs, and here’s the one for Trixie. Now, amazingly, I have one for Tansy…and the things people are asking are all basically new. It’s incredible how each situation …

My Last Great Hunk Of Tansy Observations

There are still a few things I wanted to write down, even though Tansy has moved on to the next chapter of her life. A few? Who am I kidding? There’s a lot here. I hope you have some time. Tansy has taught me that I haven’t spent enough time with old dogs. By the …

Bernie, Bernie, Bernie The Computer Doctor…

I don’t know why this song appears in my head when I have to call these guys, but it does. I’m realizing that we have lived in this town for nearly ten years, and have used the services of Bernie the Computer Doctor, and I have never given them a plug, and that’s a shame. …

The Trials And Tribulations of Tansy

I swear, she danced along with *this* song. No joke! Maybe she’s worried about the service weasel. Anyway, she is overdue for an update. What a time she’s had! It started off when she had a really persistent yeast infection in her ears. That thing would not go away! it took a couple of rounds …