Ryan’s Quality Pet Food Is A Quality Store

I’ve been full of negativity and criticism today, and already have a post waiting in the wings where I completely rip apart what a hotel calls service, so I felt like some positivity would be nice. Hey everybody in Guelph and the surrounding area. If you have a pet, if you can, get your food …

I Survived the GDB Reunion Whirlwind!

Well, I’m home. My god, I didn’t know I could sleep as much as I did, but I sure can. I got home yesterday morning at around 9, stayed up for a little while, keeled over for a nap, took Trix out to pee, came back up, slept some more, got up, fed her, took …

GDB Reunion, Here I Come!

Well, believe it or not, I’m almost ready to go to the GDB reunion. Tomorrow morning at 5:05, Red Car service, a big old van that drives people to the airport, will pick me up. Trixie’s going to be some pissed. Because we’re flying for so long with no chance to relieve, I kinda have …

A Lesson In Communication

Here’s something that not everyone seems to know about communication. It goes two ways. While one person talks, the other person is supposed to be receiving those strings of words and processing them inside their brain so that they can form a response that matches what they just heard. The listener isn’t supposed to just …

The Guide Dogs Hurka Gurka Clock

This just came into my inbox, and I laughed, laughed, and laughed some more. Maybe the sane among us would only snore at this, but I thought dog-owners would laugh along with me. I didn’t write this. It was written by a guy named Tom K. GuideDog Owners! Have you ever had to make excuses …

Anybody Know Anything About Sebaceous Cysts?

I went to the vet today to get Trixie’s health certificate so we could fly and not be harassed too much by customs when we go to the reunion, and while I was there, I decided to have the vet look at a bump that I saw on Trixie. I first saw it after we …

Brain Dump

Well, I’m tired. I didn’t sleep much last night. So I’m hoping this random pile of stuff will make me burn out so maybe I’ll catch a nap. For people who were wondering, I’m doing ok. There are times when I climb the rollercoaster hill and I’m at the top, like when I manage to …

Thoughts On "The First Lady Of The Seeing Eye"

Well, Jill is going to smile because I finished the second book she recommended, “The First Lady of the Seeing Eye”. Sadly, there was no mention of Juno, not by name anyway. The empty harness was mentioned, but that’s it. But I did learn a lot of stuff I never intended to. First off, good …

Help Define "Service Animal"

Gees! There’s not much time to respond. I just got this email, and the deadline for public comments is Monday! Ok ok ok, up on the blog she goes! I know I’m not American, but plenty of people who read this thing live in the States, so here it is. Apparently, the definition of service …