>Thoughts On "My Eyes Have A Cold Nose"

>Remember my quest for the origins of Juno? Well, Jill recommended a couple of books to read to seek them out. One of them was “My Eyes Have A Cold Nose” by Hector Chevigny. I have read it! It was 3 volumes of double-sided British braille that looks like it’s on the edge of fading …

Guide Dog Health Survey

I received this on a guide dog list, and the message asked that it be distributed far and wide, so here’s my attempt. Dear Guide Dog Handler: Morris Animal Foundation, the world’s largest nonprofit foundation dedicated to funding research studies to protect, treat and cure animals, has received a grant from the Laura J. Niles …

Scary Stuff And Doggy Frustrations

Yesterday, I got some surprising news. It came in a strange way. I’m on a guide dog mailing list, and a puppy raiser was describing the new puppy she got and naming off his littermates. One of them was the same name as a dog given to one of my classmates! People are probably thinking, …

Wow, What A Small Guide Dog!

Remember how I talked about how I get asked a lot if Trixie is fully trained? This usually happens after an embarrassing incident. Well, here’s a new twist on it. I’ve now heard that puppy raisers get asked when they’re walking through places with the puppy they’re raising if they’re blind! Now that one is …

Rescue Me!

Well, It’s the May long weekend again, and you know what that means, don’t you? Fireworks. And do you know what that translates to in Trixie-land? Puffpantpuffshivershivershakepuffpuffpuff. Last year, I noticed it, but some people told me once she was more bonded to me, she would feel less afraid. Well, nope. It’s weird. People started …

Another Dog Becomes A Guide Dog!

Holy crap. It just hit me. Remember when I talked about Trixie’s raiser’s next puppy going into training? Well, today, she graduates! Yup, Marlene, Trixie’s raiser, can say she created another fine dog. You go, Betts, I hope you’re just as awesome as Trixie. You probably are, since you got a fine start. Hopefully the …