Well not much else happened yesterday except I found another lump on her other side. I’m wondering if she’s biting herself. She licks a lot…who knows? Upon reading that, I don’t know what ever happened to that second lump. I don’t remember her having lumps, plural, until after the first lump exploded when it was …
Category Archives: guide dogs
Help GDB Get A New Puppy Truck
I just thought I’d throw this out there because maybe it would help. Long story time. At intervals that I don’t really know or understand, GDB’s puppy truck goes from town to town, giving new little poop-making furry bundles of joy and house-destroying potential to puppy raisers so they can spend the next 14-16 months …
Do Joo Know Where Juno Came From?
Apparently, I’m a terminal loser and have been misspelling the name of that damn fake dog. It’s Juno! Woops! I’ve been given a correction! I’m weird, and think about strange things sometimes. Well, from looking at the blog, I think that’s obvious. Anyway, my newest strange thing I thought about was the fake guide dog, …
The Babs Journal: Day 13 (May 21, 2005)
Well I’m tired today…started off tired. My dog has strange habits. Did I tell you she likes to lick my jeans? She also likes to try and sniff my crotch, especially while I’m getting dressed. Really, not necessary there Babs. A little too personal for me thanks. This morning it seemed Babs needed a little …
The Babs Journal: Day 12 (May 20, 2005)
Well it’s Friday. Next Friday I’ll be packing like a mo fo and going home. Hope I remember how I fit everything in. And no zipper-splittage! Can’t believe I have all my stuff plus more. Yeesh! Glad I’ve got mom and dad picking me up. This morning was rather uneventful. No pretend slaps from Anka, …
Funny Trixie Tidbits
I seem to be pretty low on things to blog today, but since Trixie always provides me with stuff worth mentioning, here are some more things that I thought were cool enough to post. One time, I had a nightmare. I can’t even remember what it was about. But I guess I made a noise …
The Babs Journal: Day 11 (May 19, 2005)
Man I didn’t sleep well last night. I couldn’t get to sleep. Sometimes at night I worry about what will happen when I get back home. I worry that then, when I have to take care of all my other stuff and her, will I be overwhelmed? And will I be able to know what …
The Babs Journal: Day 10 (May 18, 2005)
Today is a strange day. It is the exact middle of the program. 9 days have passed and in 9 days I go home. Yikes! Time is flying. I’m slowly feeling more like I’m ready for this…although I still have twinges of nervousness. I’ll probably be happy after aftercare is over. I’m a little nervous …
The Babs Journal: Day 9 (May 17, 2005)
Wow, I’m up early. It’s 7:15 and I’m all done. I found out Babs likes socks. I’ve been leaving my socks out by my shoes…and well one of my socks ran away, to her bed, and inherited some dog slime. I had to go find it and bring it back. At least she didn’t chew …
The Babs Journal: Day 8 (May 16, 2005)
Hmm let’s fill in the gaps. After I finished up that post yesterday, some funny stuff happened. First off, while trying to let Babs out to free busy, she escaped! She ran straight for Willow, leashless! I got her back and then put her out, fed her, and she was good. Then I came out …