I can’t contain this. I’m so happy happy happy I have to write it here. And because I’m a complete and utter bitch, I’m going to make you wait for the good stuff just as long as I have to. Today, I finished up my shift of answering phones. As I left, tired as usual, …
Category Archives: guide dogs
I am, Slowly, Going, Crazy, 1 2, 3 4, 5 6, Switch!
I’m ancy. Every day, I’m ancy. Some days, I can’t focus on anything, because I’m so ancy! I’m sure I’m driving Steve absolutely, positively nuts some days because I’m constantly looking at the clock wondering if I’m going to get a call. You wanna know why? Because I still don’t know when I’m going away …
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Gimme One More Shot
Well holy shit it’s my birthday! I wasn’t even going to mention it, I was just going to let it slip by, because I’m not one to brag and stuff, and I’m starting to turn into my mom, not wanting to bring up my own birthday. I used to always look at her like she …
Grief is Not a Joke!
Well it looks like I have a little more time than I thought. So here’s another post. Gotta get them written down before I go to the hell computer. Somebody made me a wee bit upset yesterday, and it’s still bugging me today. I ran into an old friend I haven’t seen in years, and …
Dingo was Its Name Oh?
Um. Yeah. People in Australia really want us to stop saying, “Perhaps the Dingo Got your Baby.” Now they’re training them to be guide dogs! Yep, I’m serious. Ok, first we got guide horses, and now we have guide dingos! Are we really running out of dog breeds? I mean, I understand looking for new …
Brownie Camp? Try Boot Camp!
I get some interesting responses when I tell people I’ll be heading away to guide dog school. Some people are just shocked that I have to go away for a month, some people want to know what happens there. And some people think I’m going away for a month for a vacation. I mention where …
Guide Dogs for the Blind, Here I Come!
Well, after stressing out about the guide dog interview, and waiting for what seemed like an eternity, I finally got the news! I’ve been accepted to Guide Dogs for the Blind! There will be no more assessments! I will once again have a puppy! The only small downer about this bit of news is I …
Wish me luck!
Well, today could be a very interesting day. I’m trying again to get a guide dog, and I’m going through another interview, and I’m nervous as hell. I’m nervous because this is an important part of their deciding to accept me. But more importantly, I’m nervous because this will be the second time I’m seeing …
Thought Shake, Extra Thick
It’s random thoughts time again! Yep, here’s where I ramble about a bunch of crap that probably interests no one. The only difference is this one’s full of a bunch of disconnected thoughts. Since most of these random thoughts posts have titles about food, and I figured thoughts of soup or anything else would probably …
Well Damn Sam!
I don’t even know how to begin this post, so I guess I’ll just start writing. As some people probably know, last year, I went to guide dog school. I don’t know what it is about spending a few weeks with your classmates and it being a small class of 4, but you get pretty …