You Know That Ain’t Them Dogs’ Real Voice

Ok, people. We have established that guide dogs can’t read maps, traffic lights, street signs or the news. Now, let’s clear something else up while we’re at it. Dogs aren’t writing anything either. There’s a Facebook page called Zoe the Seeing Eye dog. In it, Zoe’s handler writes as if she is the dog, like …

There Are No Rules About Mental Distancing. Stop That!

I have been feeling anxious when out walking because I never feel like I can keep the six feet of distance. This is not helped by Shmans’s tendency to kind of buzz people as they go by. Sometimes she just scoots past them, and sometimes she has sniffed people in a moment of weakness. Either …

How The Vomit Comet People Are Responding To COVID-19

Sorry…Too many emails… Lyrics here if you need them. So how are we doing? So far, we’re doing ok. I’m working from home, we’ve been told we’re working from home until at least May, being kept very busy because when everybody *has* to do their courses on line, problems come up that haven’t been dealt …

Why Is This Dog So lumpy?!

I have to explain the title. The Seppa-Tebby-Tebby nephew has this game that he likes to play where he gets into your chair and squishes himself really small at the back of the seat. Then you’re supposed to sit down on the chair, lean back and say “Why is this chair so lumpy?!” Then you …

Six Months Of Shmans

Tansy has been very much neglected up here, but I have once again amassed quite the list of updates, observations and acknowledgements of time. Back in October, Tansy got out her barf bingo dabber and checked off that month. I think the little rip stole some dropped food at a social event at work, but …

Keeping You In The Shmanda-Loop

You’re probably wondering what the heck’s a Shmandaloop. Well, it’s another nickname for Tansy. Steve came up with it one time when I was booking a Via Rail ticket. They always ask me what the name of the dog is, and in the background, Steve was petting her and said “Shmandaloop. S h m, a …