This survey was sent around a little bit ago. It seems GDB is looking for people to talk about the ups and downs of having a guide dog, specifically to do with pedestrian travel, ride sharing, airlines that are good and not so good, businesses that are good and not so good, that sort of …
Category Archives: guide dogs
My Thoughts On The Draft Canadian Service Dog Team Standards
Very happy edit: The standard has been withdrawn! I have said over and over that we need to deal with fake service dogs, mostly because those dogs don’t have the training to behave properly in public. They either make messes or attack others, making it hard for the real service dog teams to go about …
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Another News Report About The CNIB Guide Dog Program
Last Sunday, I wrote about The CNIB’s new guide dog program, with considerable scepticism. Yesterday, I was sent a link to another news report about it, and it didn’t really allay my fears much. I’m comforted to know that they seem to have put some thought into the breeding of the dogs, but the CNIB …
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The CNIB Is Starting Its Own Guide Dog Program? How?
I came across this press release about the CNIB starting up a guide dog program, and I was sceptical, to be generous. To be more accurate, I checked my calendar to verify that it wasn’t April 1, because I was sure this was some kind of elaborate joke. But after I saw this video, the …
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It’s Tans And Trix Talk Time!
I am so overdue on doggy talk, and we just marched through that time of the year where there is a cluster of dog anniversaries for both Trix and Tans, so it’s a good time to talk about both beasts. Well, I guess I can officially stop worrying about Tans pulling a LaniJo. She has …
Stop, Ask, Listen: Pretty Straightforward Stuff, Yes?
I know I have said it over and over and over again before, but I found someone else’s take on it that I thought was pretty well-written, and bonus, it included references to other “feel good stories” I’ve wanted to talk about, so double awesome! It also mentions an issue that I have talked about …
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Dog Poop Will Turn Your Roomba Into A Ruindba!
There’s a story going around Facebook that reminds me of something that happened to us when we had Trix that I somehow never put up here. Maybe it was waiting for its perfect moment. One day, on a whim, I bought Trix a new puzzle toy. The dog is supposed to roll the thing around …
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More Strange Dog Dreams
After all these years, I still have weird dreams about either losing dogs or going back to train with a new one. But now they’ve gotten really weird. One time, I had a dream that I was at a pet store and I needed their help with something. They said they would help me in …
Kika The Spying Guide Dog
I read about this a little while ago, and had a few thoughts about it. Amit Patel is a fellow who has recently gone blind, and he encounters a lot of jerks in his travels. So, he decided to attach a GoPro to his guide dog Kika and capture video evidence of said jerks. Unless …
A Giant Shmans Update
Tans is pretty long overdue for an update, so off we go. Back in June, we had our follow-up, and for the first time, it wasn’t with Chuck. Because his coverage area is so huge, he’s started sending people to do follow-ups, unless I guess the person has a huge problem or he’s in the …