I just read the following story over on CNET and something about it stuck out at me enough that I felt the need to post it here along with my comments, since I think that somewhere along the line, somebody with a functioning brain needs to weigh in on it and point out how time …
Category Archives: internet
A Quick Note
This is just a quick note to any of you who happen to listen to my radio show or any other programs on that station over the internet. I thought I would let you know that because of some broadcasting rights issues with the BBC, that during the Olympics, our station’s internet streams will be …
So…. Pop-Ups Bother Me
Today I had to use a computer for a while that is not my usual one. So I was working without a Pop-Up blocker and I had gotten so used to not having to deal with them that it has sent me in to a rage today. All I want to do is read something …
Oops, Wrong House
If you think you’re having a rough day, take a look atthis poor bastard’s story. It’s a touching story of boy meets girl in a rape fantasy chat room, boy and girl arange a meeting, boy breaks into wrong house and tries to fantasy rape wrong woman who retaliates by hoofing him in the bag …
Word Of Warning
If any of you are thinking about signing up for that really cool sounding new free email service that Google is offering, you might want to readthisbefore you go pickingout the perfect address and telling all your friends to start sending all their porn and jokes there. Just to sum things up really quickly for …
Watch Out For This One
I just wanted to give you all a headsup on a new virus that’s started spreading today. People are getting it like crazy and it’s a really tricky one so I thought I’d just warn you all about it now in the hopes that it’ll save even 1 person a little bit of headache. If …
Poor Bastard
Man, would this ever suck. To make a slightly longer story just a bit shorter, I’ll explain what happened for those of you who may not want to click the link. Some poor guy in Greece was just minding his own business looking at some nice internet porn when what should he come across among …
Maybe This Is Matt’s University
This is an actual Spam email sent to an actual person. If you’ve ever given even a second of thought to getting one of those quick and easy degrees, you might want to think again after reading this. Keep in mind, I have changed nothing about this message other than removing the list of people …
The Post Office, Technology, Holidays And Much Much More…maybe
I should start out by wishing all of our American readers a happy Thanksgiving. I should, but I’m not going to, Ha! Seriously, happy Thanksgiving. Wherever you are, I hope you’re having a happy one, unless I don’t like you, in which case I hope you choke on your dinner, prick! In fact, choke on …
Continue reading “The Post Office, Technology, Holidays And Much Much More…maybe”
For some reason this didn’t post the first time but maybe that was for the best since I screwed something up anyway. Here it is again, hopefully all fixed. What’s In A Name? I just read that The Gator Corporation, the people behind some of the spyware we all love so much, has decided to …