Do As We Say, Not As We Promote

I’ve learned something today. Were it not for the great work of the Toronto Better Buildings Partnership, I would have had no idea how much it took to send out a 1-page press release. It arrived in a large brown paper envelope, padded with plastic bubble wrap. Inside the envelope was a cardboard box. Inside …

I Think He Just Made A New Drive-Through Lane

Whenever I see this story, I giggle a little. A 20-year-old man did something usually reserved for the elderly. He mistook the gas for the brakes, and slammed his beautiful BMW through a Taco Bell. Where he ended up is what makes me laugh. He came to rest right under a sign that said Drive-thru …

I Heart Irony

I’m having one of those moments where I can’t decide what my favourite part of a story is. It’s either that 32-year-old Bradley Gellert was photographed wearing an I heart my marriage T-shirtwhile being booked on a felony charge of domestic battery by strangulation,or it’s this: The “I ♥ My Marriage” shirt was a promotional …

Use Your Words, People!

And I thought fighting over the hours of the public library was stupid. Now, police in Surrey, B.C. had to break up a fight between a married couple over the amount of violence on the TV news. Seriously. The woman was upset by the amount of violence on the news, to which her husband responded …

My God, All The Stuff In The News About Going Back To The 1930’s Is True!

Guess who’s in trouble for tax evasion again. If you said Al Capone, you win. I’m not sure what you win, but you still win. Maybe you win a free pizza, since the Capone in this case is an Italian restaurant in Boston, not a gangster from Chicago. Hopefully they’re giving out free irony too.

Going Down!

You know, something tells me David Senior wasn’t able to ease that girl’s fear of heights when, while telling her that leaning over the hotel balcony was safe, he leaned over it and fell four storeys onto the roof of the hotel’s restaurant. Woops. I love the description of the guy falling. “I heard this …

>Here’s What I Think of Conflict Resolution

>This story reminded me of an old story Steve posted about where some dude clonked a random woman with his anger management book. In this case, some kids were trying to resolve a conflict with the help of some administrative officials and parents, and one of them managed to inflict pretty serious harm with a …