I hate to kick people while they’re down (that’s a lie), but this right here, as dumb things go, is way the fuck up there. When deadly flames incinerated hundreds of homes in Santa Rosa’s Fountaingrove neighborhood earlier this month, they also destroyed irreplaceable papers and correspondence held nearby and once belonging to the founders …
Category Archives: irony
Found One!
In case you thought distracted driving was one of those problems limited strictly to the youngsters and those damn phones they’ve got glued to their hands, 80-year-old Gregory Nayvelt is here to set you straight in fine fashion. Around 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Moore was driving a marked police 2015 Ford Explorer westbound on West …
Me? Angry? The Mere Suggestion Makes Me Want To Punch Things
Haven’t seen one of these in a while. Following a prior assault conviction, Kelly John Lange, a 34-year-old Sioux Falls resident, was ordered by a judge to attend anger management classes. But when he did not complete that course, he was ordered to appear in court to answer for his no-shows. According to police, Lange …
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Help! I Need Somebody. An Arborist, To Be Specific
In 2004, a tree was planted in memory of George Harrison. Recently, something killed it. That something? An infestation of beetles. “That’s what you get for spelling our name wrong all these years!”, I like to imagine they said. A tree planted to honor of the memory of the Beatles songwriter George Harrison has been …
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Happy 25th Birthday, News Of The Weird!
If you read this blog and actually like it, first of all why, but more importantly, you owe a bit of a thank you to a fellow by the name of Chuck Shepherd. If not for him and his News of the Weird column, I and to an extent Carin may not have the sorts …
Please Stop Watching The Watchers, Say The Watchers
So here’s something hilarious, sad, ironic, tone deaf and just plain weird all at the same time. The NSA (National Security Agency), a branch of the American government most famous for spying both legally and otherwise on the private communications of basically everyone on Earth, has its own internal Dear Abby style advice columnist. No, …
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Who’s Going To Fix This?
SUV crashes into Colleyville collision repair shop The GMC Yukon crashed into the Lone Star Collision repair in the 6800 block of Colleyville Blvd. of Colleyville on Wednesday after hitting a sedan. Colleyville police believe alcohol and speed were a factor in the accident. The driver was taken into custody and though a name hasn’t …
Be Careful. It’s A Dog Eat Ball World Out There
Man. You try to do a nice thing by taking in a stray dog and giving it a good home and the next thing you know, the damned thing is chewing off your testicles while you sleep. Around 7:45 a.m. Monday he was awakened by a “burning pain” in his mid-section, according to the initial …
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Harper Logic: Keep The RCMP Out Of Political Debates By Trying To Control Everything It Does
I can’t figure out the Harper government. While one side of its mouth talks endlessly about the need to make police work easier, the other sounds an awful lot like its trying to interfere with the ability of the RCMP to conduct business independently. Internal emails obtained by CBC News show that RCMP Commissioner Bob …
If Only Something Could Have Calmed Him Down
Darren Baldwin had a job. I say had, because for some reason he lost it. And when I say he lost it, I mean the job *and* his mind. After being given his walking papers, Baldwin promptly responded by punching his now former manager in the face. He then grabbed a couple of knives and …
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