Down With Helmets…And Vital Signs

Maybe it’s insensitive of me to laugh at the fate of Philip A. Contos, but oh well, what are ya gonna do? Motorcyclist killed in anti-helmet rally. He wasn’t wearing any head protection, lost control of his bike and pumpkin smashed his melon on the pavement. And naturally, police say he likely would have survived …

Good Luck Charms Just Aren’t Enough For Some People Anymore

I’m not sure if this is a Russian thing, an internet thing or simply a dumbass thing, but apparently burying yourself under ground for a night is a thing. And according to the BBC, it’s a thing that won’t bring you good luck or cure your fear of death, unless your definition of either of …

You, Put Out My Lights, I Have No Hope, To Carry On…

I don’t know why I feel the need to write about this. I just read yesterday that Joseph Brooks, the one who wrote “You Light Up My Life”, committed suicide. You’d think that would be reason enough to write about it. Who stopped lighting up his life? Where was all the hope to carry on? …

She Used To Run MADD, Now She’s Gone Mad

This is a pretty run of the mill story. Debra Oberlin was seen driving her car in an eratic manner. So, cops pulled her over, and had her do the ol’ field sobriety tests. She didn’t do so well and was arrested. But what earns it a place here is that Debra Oberlin used to …

Quickly! To The Toxic Waste Fallout Shelter!

Here’s a surprise. Toxic Waste Nuclear Sludge Chew Bars, a lovely sounding confection made in Pakistan and imported to the United States, has been recalled. Yes, all of it. Every bar ever made by the company dating back to 2007 is subject to the warning. Good luck getting some of those back, unless you’re going …

Watch Out For Carma. It’ll Snow Ya!

Here’s a story fit to make me cackle. Three punks decided that they had the perfect situation. A nasty snow storm was causing lots of motorists to be stuck. So, they would arrive next to the stuck car, and the desperate motorist would think they were coming to help. But no no no. they were …

A Bad Touch Off The Old Block

There are a couple things of note inthis story.The most obvious is that it’s all about a father and son who both face child molestation charges in different towns in the same State. What you may not have immediately noticed is that the son, Robert D’Ginto Jr, is said to reside on Badman Road. That’s …

He Stops The Killings But Starts The Beatings.

So here’s an irony for ya. Warren Jackson, an anti-violence speaker for a group called “We Stop The Killings”, was arrested for domestic battery. Hmmm. That’ll probably make his speeches a little less motivational, especially for his wee little kid who saw him smacking the woman around in the back of his car. I love …

I’m Starting With The Man In The Mirror, I’m Asking Him To Change His Ways

We’re just getting word of this now, but better late than never, as they say. And besides, the irony tag needs some love, so here goes. Resident Ricardo West is charged with one count of first-degree criminal sexual conduct, which carries a sentence of 25 years to life in prison; three counts of second-degree criminal …