Here’s something the folks at the Rock Church in Monroe will be talking about for a while. Near the church, there used to stand a 62-foot, six-storey statue of Jesus…until I guess God decided to strike it down with a lightning strike. Now all that remains are some smoking ruins, and a lot of onlookers. …
Category Archives: irony
The Media Can’t Be Restricted Unless I Do It
Somebody explain to me why, during the signing ceremony for the Daniel Pearl Freedom of the Press Act, a bill designed to protect journalistic freedom, the media was restricted from coming? Hmmm. The act sounds noble, but that little detail makes me go hmmm.
When They Have The Lunch, Will Crow Be On The Menu?
It wouldn’t be that newsworthy that the U.S. Interior Department’s Minerals Management Service had to cancel an annual lunch and ceremony because they were busy dealing with the giant oil spill…until you realize that the luncheon was to celebrate the safety record of offshore drilling. Wooops. Looks like that lunch needed to be canceled anyway. …
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The Father Of Evolution May Have Been His Own Grandpa!
When I got this one from Ann, I knew it had to go up. Here’s some irony for ya. There is a report that shows that Darwin, Mr. theory of evolution, had some trouble in his family that was caused by inbreeding. I know marrying cousins was something they did back then, but I still …
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Drinking And Driving The Point Home
This case would be sad, but nothing special, except for one detail. Rene E. Fernandez got drunk and started driving like a maniac. He hit an elderly couple and hurt them pretty badly. As they waited for help, he grinned and walked around the accident scene with no regard for their well-being. They used to …
Burning Curiosity
There are so many questions here. Hope L. Neff was a homeless woman who was staying with a family temporarily, we don’t know why. For no apparent reason, she went up to the attic and lit a mattress on fire to see how fast it would burn. Then she just came back downstairs and said …
Well At Least Help Would Have Been Nearby
Damn this story. “Hat and Feet” by Fountains of Wayne is in my head. And damn it, I can’t find a way to link to it. Grayson Peterka is one lucky boy. His parents should go buy a lottery ticket in his honour. Peterka and his family were enjoying themselves at a family barbecue, when …
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Online Parolympic Coverage
I just got a link to hopefully better parolympic coverage than we’re going to see on actual TV. Apparently, parolympic action will be broadcast online at The site works, but woe is me, there is no commentary! I think I am watching sledge hockey right now, but I will never know the score. So…to …
That Can’t Be Good For The Score!
How fitting. A stolen car was tracked to the address of Michael Ray Ekes. He was arrested. What was he doing when he was arrested? Playing Grand Theft Auto! I wonder if he was comparing the video game to the real deal. Here’s a question. Was he in the process of losing the game when …
How’d That Happen
It’s hard to resist posting easy, childish stuff like this sometimes.Floor collapses at Swedish Weight Watchers clinic The floor of a Weight Watchers clinic in Växjö in south central Sweden collapsed on Wednesday night beneath a group of about 20 participants in the diet programme. The Weight Watchers participants had gathered in the group’s facilities …