Random Observations From The Middle Of A Snow Storm

Ok so I’m not actually in the middle of the snow storm itself, I’m in my nice warm house but my nice warm house is right smack dab in the middle of a great big storm that’s pretty much got the entire province shut down so it’s close enough. The only good thing to come …

Today’s Helpful Hints

Watching your weight? Avoid that devilish temptation to nibble at the chocolate bar in the cupboard or fridge by not buying the fucking thing in the first place, you fat bastard. And Matt, don’t even think about it, asshole. You know what I’m talking about, friend. -!- Give up smoking by sticking one cigarette from …

Some Jokes That Made Me Laugh Today

*Q. Who is Michael Jackson’s favorite poet?A. Emily Dick-in-son *Little Johnny wrote to Santa Claus, “Please send me a sister.”Santa Claus wrote him back, “Ok, send me your mother.” *Q. What is the opposite of Christopher Reeve?A. Christopher Walken *Q. Why did Michael Jackson decide to have a boy of his own?A. Because it’s too …

How About A Joke?

Charlie had a massive heart attack and died. His body was delivered tothe mortuary. He had been wearing an expensive, expertly tailored blacksuit at the time of his demise, so he really looked wonderful,considering the circumstances. His wife went to the funeral home to make the final arrangements for hisinterment. She spoke to the mortician …

They’re Comin’ Fast Now

Well everybody’s favourite evil do-er, Satan, has chimed in with some more rejected Christmas Carols for us all to enjoy. “Christmas Carols For The Psychiatrically Challenged (981C2303 DOC) SCHIZOPHRENIA Do You Hear What I Hear? MULTIPLE PERSONALITY We Three Queens Disoriented Are DEMENTIA I Think I’ll Be Home For Christmas NARCISSISTIC Hark The Herald Angels …

Thursday’s Blogging BONANZA!!!

Hello everyone and welcome to YOUR Thursday. We got a few things to hit on, so let’s get right at it. There hasn’t been much put in the last few days so thanks for stickin’ with us. But it’s not like there’s any shortage of things to check out over on the links list. To …

Some More Rejected Christmas Carols. (WITH BAD LYRICS AND EVERYTHING!)

Well, one of our more intellectually gifted Vomiteers has written in with 2 new Rejected Christmas carols and he has even taken the time to write out the lyrics too. Much thank you…. Well we’ll call you Lunchbox’s friend. Here they are…. “anyway, the point of this email is to deliver you two famous christmas …