Christianity Or Science

It’s nice to see a faithful person saying rational things like Gill is here. Far too often the religious people with the largest platforms and loudest voices are using them to convince people to reject science and put all their faith in god, which translates to “send us money and everything will be ok.” As …

Gates Of India Restaurant

Gill has another restaurant recommendation. If you are looking for something delicious in downtown Hamilton, and you like to try different types of foods, Gates Of India might just be what you are craving.  The atmosphere brings two worlds together.  You get the feeling of 4-star dining with linen table cloths, but you also get …

Sapporo Japanese And Thai Restaurant

I like Gill’s goal of trying a new place and different food every month. Keeps things interesting and expands your horizons. I’m not sure I could do it, honestly. Not because I’m not open to trying new things, but because I like what I like and if I’m going to drag my ass outside and …

Thought You’d Like To Know (A Place For Gill’s Smaller Health Updates)

Gill has another health update. I haven’t had this experience firsthand, but I have watched someone close to me go through the you’re not in the book runaround and that’s plenty frustrating enough. As always, best of luck with everything. Hang in there. Here’s the latest frustrating detail on my health. Yesterday I phoned my …

Lettuce Is Not A Sandwich Topping

I am very much in camp Gill on this issue. Lettuce does not belong on sandwiches. I’ve softened my stance on this slightly over the years, but finding lettuce on a sandwich, especially a cold sandwich, is just about the worst. I say just about the worst because tomatoes exist, and they are the actual …