Happy National Your Jumpy Ass Just Got Popped For Drugs Day

Dear Nameless Criminal: Next time the police see you holding a popcorn maker box and playfully wish you a happy National Popcorn Day, try playing it cool. Chances are it would work out much better than the alternative. A man was spotted beside the street holding a popcorn maker box by officers on patrol.  They …

He Shared His Crime With The Camera, Which The Police Like

I have to wonder if Dale Tice was even trying when he aledgedly decided fuck it, I’m gonna rob this here pawn shop. According to an incident report, Tice went into The Hock Shop on Cobb Parkway about 4:30 p.m. Monday to pawn a $5 ratchet. Just like with any pawn shop purchase, he gave …

Her Bad Behaviour Would Come Back And Bite Her On The Ass If Only It Could

Criminals leave dumb things at crime scenes all the time, but I can’t remember the last time one of them forgot a set of teeth. Lake County Sheriff’s deputies were responding to reports of a suspicious person trying to break into homes when they encountered 31-year-old Lindsey Jean Stanley-McShane, according to an arrest affidavit. “She …

Robbed A Bank And Left All Cool, Swiped My Card ‘Cause I’m A Fool

Take it, Dave. Neal entered the Wells Fargo branch on First Avenue on May 13 and approached a teller window, according to his plea agreement. He first swiped his card through the card reader at the window. When the teller asked how he could be helped, Neal replied: “You’re being robbed. Don’t make a mistake.” …

I Was Just On My Way To Turn Myself In

Whether or not you’re wanted on outstanding warrants, it’s always good to make sure that the taxi you’re getting into is really a taxi and not, say, a police cruiser. Then again if you are wanted on outstanding warrants, regardless of whether it is or is not a cab you will get a ride somewhere. …

In That Book, Was He Voted Most Likely To Get Arrested In A Stupid Way?

I’m not sure if Deaquan Scott didn’t know who’s house he and his buddy were going to or if there’s more to the relationship between perp and victim than was reported or what, but I do know that this is why you should always wear a mask when you head out to commit a home …

They Don’t Teach Bank Robbery In Rehab, It Turns Out

Let’s start with the good news. Jamal Goodwin was able to sign himself out of drug and alcohol rehab. Possibly to celebrate, he decided hey, why not rob a bank? So he did, and managed to make off with a shade over $5,000 while also pulling off a successful taxi getaway. Not too shabby for …

If Only He’d Owned A TV, He Would Have Known It Was Shop With A Cop Day

So it appears we have a brand new episode of shoplift with a cop. I still cannot believe this happens this much. I guess James Walsh was feeling brave. He had been out to this Walmart the day before and had successfully stolen a TV, so he thought he needed another one, a big one. …

Swipe Right, Swipe Some Money, What’s The Difference?

Going on a date with someone and then robbing that person has definitely been done before. I think we’ve even covered a few of those cases through the years, but the details escape me and I don’t feel like spending my Christmas Eve trying to figure out where on the damn website they live. But …

How Would You Feel About Paying Me In Advance, Boss

We’ve already determined that stabbing your prospective boss is a poor way to land that dream job, and while we don’t know 100 percent for sure what happened here, I feel pretty confident that stealing his wallet when he leaves the room for a minute is going to work about as well. Takeda is suspected …