Ahh, The Old You’ve Been Punk’d! Defence

Some days this job is like shooting fish in a barrel. What days would those be, you ask. Well my curious friend, days like the ones when some numbnuts walks in off the street and tries to rob a police station spring immediately to mind. 18-year-old Keithan Manuel’s attempt went exactly as just about anyone …

Master Criminals Of History

Here’s a bit of fun Saturday morning reading for you. 5 Supposedly Badass Criminals Caught in Embarrassing Ways The only ones I don’t remember ever hearing about are Robert Phillips and Joe Hunt, and Hunt is number 1 on the list for good reason. Astounding reason really, especially for a guy who is supposedly that …

Just Dropping In For Some Smokes

Until you ponder it for half a second, drilling a hole in the floor of the apartment above a store you want to rob might seem like a good idea. You can drop down, take what you want and then hoist yourself up again. No alarm, no suspicious breaking in or hiding in the store …

How To Be Bad At Criminaling

This is exactly why you’re supposed to study *before* the test and not *during* it! An unidentified Milwaukee bank robber’s day started out well. He got into the bank, got some cash and started to make his escape. Things went downhill dramatically when he ran into the path of a couple of police officers, but …

Hey Honey, Get A Picture Of Me With This Bar From My Cell

This site and many others are full of stories about dumb things criminals have posted on Facebook. It’s gotten to the point where it’s almost not weird or funny anymore, so we let a lot of them slip bye without comment. But every now and then you run across a Steven Mulhall. A thief who’s …

A Shocking Crime

Here’s a post that most definitely needs itself a soundtrack. 36-Year-old Michael Harper has been sentenced to a year in prison for an attempted metal theft at a power substation in Leicester, England. But that’s small potatoes compared to the sentence of life long disfigurement he received while the crime was in progress. Remember how …

We Are The Champions…Of Failed Robbery

I post this mainly because I find it amusing and it fits in with what we do here, but also because any excuse to watch this video again is good enough for me. It’s always nice to hear stories of people with disabilities getting into new fields and breaking new ground. Well, maybe not always. …

On The Run…Out

When you’re on the run, little things you should remember to do are sometimes going to fall through the cracks. You’re in a hurry, you’re in a panic and people in that state sometimes forget things. But no matter what, you should always…always(!) make sure you have enough gas in the car to get you …