Save Money, Live In Jail

If you’re at the point of shoplifting your new pants from Walmart, I think it’s safe to say that both your life and your mind have ended up in a pretty bad place. But that’s no excuse for leaving your old pants, complete with wallet and driver’s license, in the dressing room before running off. …

There’s A Crack In Our Foundation Of Trust

Proving that people just never fucking learn, something similar to the case of Dexter White went downjust a few short months ago. In that case, Antonio Recinos called 911 and flagged down a police officer to complain that he had been shorted when purchasing $40 worth of cocaine. This time the problem was that $60 …

This Is A Holdup…Note…That I Left Here…

the best bank robbing advice I can offer you all is don’t, but if you must, the next best thing I could suggest is when you leave, remember to take your note with you. Failing that, all that’s left isdon’t go back for it later like Matthew Dale Hudleston did. According to his plea agreement, …

Come See The Dangly Side Of Sears

From the worse than bad explanations for doing amazingly stupid things department comes the story of Robert McDonough. The 39-year-old now former Cincinnati police officer was sentenced in February to 8 days of community service, 2 years probation and a $250 fine. He was also banned from going near Sears stores since that’s where the …

This Is A robbery. This Is Also A Bad Choice Of Paper

The worst part of this guy’s night wasn’t that his name is Bruce Manlove, though I’m sure that’s its own brand of personal hell. NO, I dare say his worst moment was the time hewrote a robbery note on the back of some department of corrections paperwork, paperwork that just happened to have the name …

A Change Would Do You Good

Anthony Wilson can’t be a complete moron. If you’re smart enough to get away with robbing 5 banks, there has to be at least a little something going on upstairs. but maybe it’s more important to be quick on your feet than quick in the head, considering how his enterprizeultimately came undone. FBI agent Juan …

This Is A Robbery, I Think, Maybe

Poor Harold Luken. He’s obviously not a criminal. He must have been desperate or something. What else could explain this complete and utter failure of a robbery attempt? His first mistake was to walk into the bank with only an Acoustic guitar. Yup, just an acoustic guitar. He said he had a gun, but a …

Missing Money, Missing Brains

Thanks Ann for this one. You know how to find some real doozers. These four robbery suspects should just take this whole mess as a sign that they aren’t meant for a life of crime. The story goes that Antonio Epinger, Kevin Dennis, Seluvaia Ita and Vanessa Perry robbed a restaurant late at night. They …

Looks Like He’ll Have Quite A Few Mintis To Think About What Went Wrong

Remember Nathan Wayne Pugh? Well if you didn’t remember him, there’s a reminder. He’s the dipshit who robbed a bank, but when asked for ID by the teller, gave her 2 pieces of it. Then he tried to take a woman and a baby hostage, but she kinda tackled him. In the second story, it …