The Geezer’s Health Is Improving

Wow, I’ve got updates all over the place. Remember the bank robber on oxygen? Well, he appears to be getting better! This time, there was no oxygen tank, just a hat on his head. He has apparently robbed 7 banks now, and I guess he hasn’t had the oxygen for a little bit, because this …

That Was An Easy Catch

Ow ow ow ow ow! A guy broke into a hunting and fishing store, but the robbery was not successful. Why? He lost his balance and fell on some fish hooks, getting them embedded in his butt. One of them had to be removed in hospital. Oh, you say, but how do you know they …

Oh, What A Feeling, I’m Fallin’ From The Ceiling

This guy really took the old expression “if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again” to heart. He broke into a drug warehouse of some kind, but then he heard sirens coming. This wasn’t good, he thought, and he must escape. So, he climbed into the ceiling…but it wasn’t strong enough to hold him, …

Would That Be For Here, Or To Go…To Jail?

Here comes another case of dumbasses calling a place and ordering them to have money because they’re coming to rob the joint. We’ve talked about this before. This one’s especially dumb because Albert Bailey, the dude who was supposedly the brains of this latest outfit, was on probation after robbing somewhere else. So…he should have …

Something Tells Me He Won’t Be Getting Contracts

For christ’s sake, if you’re going to rob a bar, at least give it some time between drinking at said bar and coming back with a gun. Don’t have a night of fun, walk out the door with a woman, and come back in just a few minutes later with a rifle and demands for …

His Space Will Be A Jail Cell

Wow. Looks like we have another Jonathan G. Parker. That’s three of them in under a year! This unnamed boy broke into a furniture store’s office, stole some things, then got on the computer, looked at some porn, then logged into his MySpace and listed the items he was planning to walk off with. It …

The Only Snorting People Will Be Doing Will Be Caused By Laughter

I think someone was trying to send this German guy a message that he was not meant to do drugs. He was getting drugs all ready to snort, and was using the roof of a car. He didn’t realize that the car he was using was an unmarked police car, and the cops using the …