Meanwhile, Walkoff Made It Down Without Incident

This is very sad especially since she sounds like such a lovely person, but I can’t lie to you people. Even in my older, mellower state, someone named Rohloff…well…rolling off is still going to get a laugh and a post out of me. By the time Grace Rohloff reached the top of Half Dome, smiling …

Get Your Head Out Of Your Annus. And Everyone Else’s, Too

File this one under close enough. Sentenced to 10 and a half years in prison last year for the attempted rape of a boy under the age of 13 was Kristian Annus. Not sure how he wound up looking the way he does in this mug shot, but you kind of hope it was a …

I Think You Should Name Him Cash, As In Hand Over A Bunch Of Your

I’m not going to sit here and tell you that naming a baby is easy. Whatever you settle on, you, and more importantly the kid, are wearing it forever. Clearly, it’s a choice that you’re going to want to get right. And yeah, sometimes it’s nice to have a little help. But if you ever …

Stop Pinching My Johnson

I enjoyed this video. I hope it played at Boris Johnson’s goodbye party, if he had one. He probably did. He seems fond of parties. Aside: I know enough about British politics to understand that part of the reason for Johnson’s resignation was that he lied about his awareness of allegations against an MP that …

No Life Saving Here. Do You Have Any Idea How Hard It Is To Change The Name Of A Town?

Story is months old, but no way I’m passing up the chance to inform you all that the school board in a place called Killingly decided not to host a COVID vaccination clinic at a school there. The Killingly Board of Education shot down a proposition to host a voluntary vaccination clinic on school grounds …

He’s An S Away From Writing A Poem About It

Facing two charges of attempted murder after setting a tent on fire with two people inside of it is Robert Burn. The incident occurred about 4:30 p.m. at a drainage area near The Oaks shopping mall, Ventura County sheriff’s Sgt. Tim Lohman told KTLA. The man, identified as 34-year-old Robert Burn, apparently had a disagreement …