>I’m Getting Mixed Messages From The Name

>Oh my god. First we heard of guys named Lynn, then there was that woman named Kyle, and now I’ve met a guy named Gail! Guy? Gail? Yup! On a couple of lists I was on, I’d keep seeing emails from “Gail the U.S. male”. For a while, I didn’t check the spelling of male, …

Why Can’t We BE Friends?

Jesus, what’s with people fighting at weddings? It all started with a missing camera and ended up with 100 people fighting, 30 police on scene, 2 people stabbed and one guy punched in the face, and 3 arrests. Holy shit. Can’t we all just get along? Smacking the piss out of each other won’t make …

This Is A Stupid Question, But What Are You In For Again?

If ever there was somebody with a name perfect for getting arrested for possession of gay child porn,Dick Dickinsonis certainly that man. The strange thing is that Dick isn’t actually his given name, but rather the one he chose to go by because for some reason Lindsey wasn’t working for him. My question is why, …

That’s Never Happened Before

If you’ve ever wondered what exactly makes a person a life-long premature ejaculator, now you know. The definition was developed after lengthy critical evaluation of the evidence presented in more than 100 studies on the sexual problem published over the last 65 years. It was unanimously agreed by the experts that the definition of lifelong …