Maybe She Didn’t Want Her Boyfriend To Squeeze The Charmin

Well, we have an update about that woman who was found stuck to her john. I guess she wasn’t sitting on the throne for the whole two years, but she was in the bathroom that long. She had been sitting on the toilet for a month. Now, the burning question of how her boyfriend managed …

I Guess She Had The Fucking Guts. It’s Me Who Lacks The Brain

We’ve all seen the scene on TV where someone has tried everything to persuade a suicidal person not to do it, and out of desperation, they try to snap them out of it. But if you’re going to try that in real life, for one, be sure you have things very much under control, and …

Sing Solo…So Low They Can’t Hear You!

Um, here’s my chance to look like an idiot. My geography sucks, but aren’t Thailand and the Philippines neighbours? If they are, which I’m pretty sure they are, they have similar militant stances on Caraoke. First, we had our poor unfortunate tone-deaf soul who died in a Philippine caraoke bar, and now we have 8 …

The Drinkin’ Bone’s Connected To The Namin’ Bone

This one’s a bit old, but when has that ever stopped us before? Charged with vehicular assault and obstructing a law enforcement officer after a crash last October isGlen Alan Casebeer,who went above and beyond the call of duty to ensure that his story was as funny as possible to folks like you and I …