Mark R. Hotuyec was arrested last week after being caught naked and masturbating while driving his van beside a school bus full of children from wait for it…wait for it…Wood View Elementary School. Well, they certainly got a pretty good one that day.
Category Archives: names
>I Wonder If They Conducted A Sting Operation
>Angela Nellany recently pled no contest to charges that she attempted to kill her husband Paul with a can full of wasps. Where did this story appear? That would beThe Modesto Bee,of course.
Worst Name Ever?
Now boys and girls, I want you to say hello to your new classmate Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb11116. You can call him /ˈalˌbin/ if you must.
>My Name Is What?
>Hey there Paul Sidebottom! When the opportunity is there to withhold your name, like when you’re the victim of sexual harassment, you might wanna take it, especially with a name like Paul Sidebottom.
Horrible, With An Odd Name
Is it wrong that I find it funny that one of the havens for child porn is Virginia? Virgin-ia? And one of the most concentrated locations of child porn is a town called Pound?
I guess It Was His Time Then
What a strange story, complete with strange name. Sevan Kavorkian decided to hang himself. His girlfriend found him, cut him down and revived him. He started beating the everloving hell out of her, a man climbed through a window to save her, put Kavorkian in a sleeper hold, and this killed him. What a strange …
Sing Sing Singing A Different Tune
Now there’s a sucky day. A guy broke into a minimart, but was scared off by police. He ran and ran and ran…and ran onto the grounds of Sing Sing State Prison! Woops! Needless to say, he’s not running anymore. A guard got him, and off he went to jail. But you know what his …
Paging Officer Irony
An unidentified 26-year-old Toronto man suffered multiple stab wounds to his face and arm in an attack at Van Gogh’s Ear in downtown Guelph over the weekend. The attacker has not yet been caught, but fear not good citizens, becauseConstable Marlowe Sharpeis on the case!
Is It Just Me…
Or is it kind of funny that the Deseret Morning News sent a guy named Jacob Hancock to report on a group of anti-porn activists that’s trying to get a Gold’s Gym to stop using what they consider to be sexually explicit videos?
If The Name Fits…
We’re just full of good names today. In a story about a guy who was acquitted of a murder because some evidence wasn’t revealed at the time, the prosecutor’s name was Rob Junk. Well, I guess that’s what his case is now. Moving right along, in a case where a guy tracked down a man …