Yup, He’s A Moron, No Question About It

I guess when you’re last name is moron, you’re doomed to do moronic things like, oh, say, getting drunk and driving your truck into someone’s house. I admit it has gotta suck when your name is Bryan Scott Moron. What a life that creats for you, even if you’re not prone to do stupid things.

Names And Babies, But Not Baby names

I’m so juvenile. Despite the sad statement that this story makes, I just find it jumps out at me that a pediatrician’s name is Sarah Grope. But it frightens me that there are enough teen moms out there that they don’t mind asking for a month-long maternity leave. But I’m also disturbed that schools say …

All I Want For Christmas Is An Odd Combination Of Things

With Carin gone for the holidays and me leaving tomorrow, things are likely going to be pretty quiet around here for the next week or 2. but before we all but close up shop for the most un-vacation-like vacation of the year, here are a few random links to keep you entertained while we’re off …

Whshhhoooh . . . White Lightnin’

I can’t put my finger on what exactly it is that makesthis storyso great. It could be a drunken man trying to shoplift a box of “giant red hot pickled sausages” from a grocery store at 3 AM while at the same time deciding to pay for a couple boxes of beer. it could be …

To Be Used On Both Heads?

If you thought lead-laiden products from China were bad, what do you think of hair bands made of recycled used condoms? Yup, used. How the hell do they dispose of used condoms in China that someone could get access to them? Does someone have to go through the garbage looking for them? *gag* And worse …

Another Name To Add To The List

Ok, Steve, I’m going to horn in on your appropriate names for people in news stories action, because I can. The chair of a conference on making cities more pedestrian-friendly, called Walk21, is named Jim Walker. Well, at least it’s not as bad as the poorly-named souls who are wheeling around in wheelchairs named Walker. …