Here’s another one of those articles that made me laugh until I nearly cried.The 22 Worst Place Names in the World They left out a lot of the stuff that’s always on the weird town lists which makes it a lot more interesting, and the writing is the type that makes me wish I was …
Category Archives: names
Meet The World’s Most Gullible Man
A Chinese man stopped having sex with his wife 17 years ago because a friend told him that he would live for 1000 years if he became a celibate vegetarian. What I don’t understand is this. If you can’t have sex and you can’t have hamburgers, why would you want to live that long? Oh, …
March 2nd’s Odd Combination Of Things
Like I saidlast time,some of these links will probably stop working after a little while. This is normal. Like I also said last time, feel free to send things in, I can always use more material. Ok, here we go. *In some news I’m very happy to hear, the British government isconsidering giving police the …
What’s He Going To Do When They Make Another Movie?
Right now, somewhere in Britain, there is a man walking around named James Dr No From Russia With Love Goldfinger Thunderball You Only Live Twice On Her Majesty’s Secret Service Diamonds Are Forever Live And Let Die The Man With The Golden Gun The Spy Who Loved Me Moonraker For Your Eyes Only Octopussy A …
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And You Think You’re Having A Bad Day
Read this, and check out the names on these poor bastards. Suddenly the silly jokes people made about my last name when I was a kid aren’t so annoying anymore. Thanks to whoever it was that sent me the link to this. I deleted the email and can’t remember your name now, but full credit …
Come On Now, Play Nice
Jury Rules Against Woman in Genital Gluing I’m not sure what’s funnier here, the story, or the fact that the name of the woman involved in it is O’Toole. Irony rules.
I Have No Idea What To Call This Post
Happy Monday to everybody. I hope you’re all having a good day, and I hope you’re keeping cool if it’s hot where you are. It’s hot here, that I know for sure. Canadian weather is just fucking weird, there’s no other way to describe it. A few days ago we were treated to some beautiful …
What’s In A Name?
If you were Michael Jackson, and you were constantly having to deal with claims that you have been molesting young boys for years, would you really think it was a good idea to hire a lawyer namedCharles F. Gay defend you? I know I wouldn’t. Sure, maybe he’s the best lawyer out there, but …
That’s Unfortunate
I’m not the type that would normally advocate children suing their parents, but I’m willing to make an acceptionin this case. Sure there’s an extra letter there but it’s still not very nice and I’m sure she’s gone through a lot of trauma because of it.
It’s Kyle. What’s that?
I don’t think this strange name quite compares with people named little penis, oral sex, shit, or other Romanian varieties, but I saw someone who I believe has been cursed for life. I got an email. IT said: “Kyle will be handling donations. Please email her at…” I did a double take. Kyle? Her? Perhaps …