That For Better Or Worse Part Is About to Get Tested

As I read this story, I can feel my shoulders slumping. At a wedding, the newlyweds’ dog got in a fight with another guy’s dog, the other guy started yelling at the couple, went and got a gun and shot them and 2 other people in the wedding party. The happy couple is now in …

Of All The Things To Copycat…

I’m not sure what got into the water last weekend, but hot on the heels ofthe German eBabycomes the story of a couple from Vancouver wholisted their “very cute” week-old baby on Craigslistbecause, they say, they couldn’t afford to keep her. Just like yesterday, the couple is claiming that the post was a hoax. And …

The Love For Objects Saga Continues

Oh brother. Now we have a whole flock of women making love to objects. One of them has given this disorder a name, Objectum Sexuality. Ok then. A bunch of them have Aspergers Syndrome, kinda like Autism Junior, which might explain it, but I don’t know. But apparently this disorder only happens to women. So …

Haw Haw Haw Haw Haw!

A dipshit German couple has had their 8-month-old baby taken into state custody and are facing possible charges of child trafficking afterlisting the boy for sale on eBayover the weekend. According to Reuters, a number of people contacted German authorities after spotting the offer on eBay. “Baby–collection only,” the post read. “Offering my nearly new …

That’s The Best He Can Come Up With?

Toronto Mayor David Miller hasannounced plansto ban shooting ranges and gun clubs because he thinks closing them down will help put an end to gun violence in the city. Of course he’s absolutely right, because history has unquestionably shown how dangerous Olympic athletes and gun collecting hobbyists have been to our existence over the years. …

Obey Your Thirst, Except When Riding A Horse!

I have so many questions about this story. Juliet Brown, 9, was riding a horse with her dad. She got thirsty, so they stopped and got a pop. When she opened it, the horse spooked, bucked her off and dragged her for a mile and a half. Not surprisingly, the poor kid died. So now …

Well Who You Callin’ Moon Pie, My Real Name Is Michael…

That’s a new one. Is it good enough to belong in the oompa loompas/Egypt-obsessed stranglers/drunken stuffed dog-screwers/teddy-bear plant stand shrines files? I’m not sure, but it’s weird. Picture this old guy in a convenience store buying some stuff. As he leaves, he gets ker smucked in the shoulder by a random yellow bag. It happens …