Take That, Plastic Problem

After seeing this video, I got thinking about something I read the other day that could help a lot with all the plastic we produce. Daniel Burd, a 16-year-old kid, has founda couple of strains of bacteria that, when combined, can break down plastic! Yeah! Hopefully we won’t find out later that this could cause …

I Think I’d Rather Be Humped

Police Blotter newspaper columns are some of the most entertaining and confusing things you’ll ever read, often leaving you with more questions than answers. One example of this springs immediately to mind, and now here’s another one out of what appears to be Lake Park, Florida, though Small Town Misfit is claiming Palm Beach. On …

Moving UP In The theft World

Well, looks like they decided to charge the assholes who swiped that Girl Scout’s cookie money, and at least one of them has moved on to bigger and better things, only now we have her name because she’s 18. Stefanie Woods pleaded no contest to leaving Denny’s without paying. All the little punk has learned …

Wouldn’t It Be GreatIf Everybody Had A Gun?

Don’t piss anyone off in Butler, Missouri. You may wind up full of lead. Why? Because tons of people carry tons of guns in their cars. Now, there’s a car dealership who is taking advantage of this love for things that go bang boom pow. If you buy a car at Max motors, you can …

>Take 51 From 100 And You Get 50?

>This is another case where I have no words, and I can hear the words “We’re doomed!” resounding in my head. I can also hear the words of another man. I do some work for an adult literacy organization here in Guelph, and they had a little volunteer appreciation night. Someone who’s been with them …

That’s Never Happened Before

If you’ve ever wondered what exactly makes a person a life-long premature ejaculator, now you know. The definition was developed after lengthy critical evaluation of the evidence presented in more than 100 studies on the sexual problem published over the last 65 years. It was unanimously agreed by the experts that the definition of lifelong …

Lock The Garage And Hide The Loved Ones

Apparentlycar fuckingis more widespread than we thought, at least so saysthis story from the Telegraph. I don’t have enough confidence in my abilities as a writer or reporter to think that I could ever do this thing justice, so I’ll let the words of Washington’s Edward Smith do the talking for me. “I appreciate beauty …