A new study released by 2 researchers from the University of Toronto claims that rather than hurting the English language,the use of instant messaging is actually making it stronger and making people more articulate. I don’t know what data they’re looking at and really, who am I to call bullshit on scientists, but I feel …
Category Archives: news
I Think The Cops In Gerald Need A Little Fraud-Prevention Retraining
Wow, first we have a fake firefighter, now we have a fake drug enforcement agent! He sure picked a good town to screw up, only consisting of 1200 people, and a police force consisting of the chief and five officers, and a big meth problem. Now two of those officers and the chief have been …
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Touch Gloves, And Come Out Ready To Defend Yourself
We established long ago thatpunching out a jury member during your trialis a bad idea, and now, thanks to William Lehman, we can tell you thatlaying a whoopin’ on your public defender in open court with everybody watchingisn’t a good idea either. In fact, it’s such a bad idea that doing so could see you …
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Ride ‘Em Cowboy
I’m not trying to be insensitive or anything, but I have to ask. If you’re holding a “gay rodeo” with the idea that it will help fight stereotypes, why in God’s name are people dressing goats in pink underwear and decorating cows? To me that just seems…gay. “This proves that we are normal,” said Jen …
Liar, Liar, Hope His Pants Aren’t On Fire
Gregory Pillow has been sought out to give fire safety demonstrations at schools and daycares. He’s known to give really good ones. The only problem ishe’s not an actual firefighter. He just runs around pretending to be one. He’s apparently done this for years. Now, after someone called the fire station trying to confirm his …
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That’ll Teach The Little Bastards
Kids Who Skip School In Balt. Likely To Be Shot The story is actually about the results of a study that found that kids who have bad school records are more likely to be killed or injured in shootings, but I post it mainly for the headline in the faint hope that it might finally …
Update On The Wielechowskis
Remember the Wielechowskis? Well, they’re now trying to defend their actions. So, you say he never kicked you, those random people started slugging him for no good reason, and you were dragged into the elevator for no good reason? Yeah, uh-huh, sure. Something tells me the other version was closer to the truth.
You Win…A Criminal Record!
Ok, if you forge a lottery ticket, and you can’t get it to scan at the lottery machine at the gas station where you work, accept that you did a bad job at forging it. Don’t march it down to the Lottery Commission to file a claim. If you do, you’ll probably end up screwed, …
A Prickly Situation
Why, oh why, oh why, would you run from police by rolling through cactus? Oh the pain! The pain! Surely, an arrest couldn’t be that bad! I guess the reason why he did it was stated in the article. “I am so stupid…” Yes, yes you are.
She Asked For It, Eh?
I have no words. You read this and see if you have any. I just have rage. Yeah, ok, he’s no threat to young girls, even though she admitted to being a little girl and he still came to find her, raped her on her school lunch break and tried to rape her again in …