I Pledge…Na. I don’t Feel Like It.

I have no problem if someone chooses not to stand for their country’s anthem or the pledge of allegiance in the case of the States because they’re protesting something, but if the person refusing to stand is just being a lazy little prick like these eighth-graders were, then suspend the little prick. But one of …

I’m Becky Miller, And I Approved This Message…Or Did I?

Carrollton, Texas Mayor Becky Miller has lived quite the life, the only problem is that she hasn’t. And to make matters worse, the Dallas Morning News has decided to call her out on it. the paper has been systematically debunking her various claims, among them that she used to sing backup for both Linda Ronstadt …

My Grandpa Can Beat Up Your Policeman

I’ve got all the respect in the world for police officers, but when 3 of them can’t subdue an 82-year-old man in a hospital bed hooked to an oxygen tank without hitting him 3 times with a Taser, it’s time to find a new line of work, preferably one that never allows them to roam …

Take It Out, Take It Out, Take It Out, Re-Move It!

Oh god. Yuck! *Wrinkles nose*. Ug. Ok, I’ll stop now. What I’m trying to say is I think I’ve found something worse than dog piss in the central air vents. Wanna guess what it is? Maybe you don’t. It’s skunk! Yep, you heard me right, fucking skunk. Now their house is destroyed, they’re having to …

It Could Be Worse…Or Could It?

This is the day for aptly-named people. The guy who ploughed his rental car into the window of a Starbux and ploughed right to the back wall was Clinton Worstman. I’m sure he feels like his name right now, although I’m not sure I blame the poor dude completely. his car could have pulled a …