An ex Wal-Mart employee planned to go on a shooting spree in a Wal-Mart near Slaughter Lane. It would have been one, for sure, if not for his incredibly slow movements…oh, and police finding him after he’d been doddling about the Wal-Mart for two hours! La Dee Doo, just strollin’ past the pharmacy, me and …
Category Archives: news
Life Imitating Art A Little Too Much
It’s gotta suck when you’re in a play, your character is about to take a heart attack, and you actually take one. Luckily, the other actors figured out this was not part of the scene, got him some help, and he’s recovering. But I can’t even imagine the terror going through his mind. He must …
Oh The Poor Unfortunate Soul
Weird: porn in a teen clothing store. Weirder: the one who found it and got upset was Marcy Milfs. Poor poor Marcy Milfs. Nobody will take her seriously.
Typo Or Editorializing? You Be The Judge.
Ok, it was weird enough that a guy was dared to punch a camel and did so, but this fine phrase made me giggle: He accepted the dare and was detained afterward by security personnel, but he soon escaped and tried to run from the park with his fiends, police said. Oh, those fiends. Those …
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This Is Your Job. Now You See It, Now You Don’t.
Ok, we have substitute teachers screwing kids, and we want to fire one over a magic trick witha toothpick? Let’s get our priorities straight. They claim there was other stuff, but all of that sounds perhaps reprimand-worthy, not requiring termination. This is just weird.
How Much Is ThatDoggy Through The Windshield?
Doesn’t everybody know that you shouldn’t drive a car with Sparky the chihuahua on your lap? Doesn’t everybody realize that that could lead to an accident if Sparky moves unexpectedly and causes you to strike the gas or brake, or jumps down and hits it himself? But when a bill was proposed to ban the …
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Go Directly To Jail. Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect $1
Angelique R. Vandeberg could find herself with a lot of time to sit in the corner and think about what she’s done. The 28-year-old woman is facing up to 3 years in prison for allegedlyshooting her 8-year-old daughter in the leg with a BB gun to win a $1 bet she had made with her …
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Something Tells Me This Isn’t One Of His Better Cases
Listening to the defense lawyer, Jason Grey, talk in this story makes me dizzy. Come get dizzy with me. We have an odd story about Manuel Balbin allegedly torturing a teenager who he thought stole his Playstation. That was weird enough, but then his lawyer opened his mouth. He didn’t start off wonderfully by saying …
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Fun In The Guantanamo Bay Sun
What kind of freaks would vacation at the Guantanamo Bay Resort? The souvenirs even talk about fighting for freedom, so it’s not like they’re trying to gloss over the fact that this is in fact Guantanamo Bay.
Wow, What A Prize
I think this woman must be unsatisfied with a lot more than her sex life to act like this. When deputies arrived, the woman denied any assault had taken place, and repeatedly, without sparing a vulgar euphemism, told the deputies about how unsatisfied she was with her sex life — some of the time carrying …