An almost aptly-named kid who is now dead after racing a train with his skateboard is Jonathan Sory. I bet he’s really sorry about making that decision. But what I can’t figure out is why the company who runs the train is busy being sorry. Anyone who races a train is an idiot. Unless the …
Category Archives: news
Signed, Sealed, … Not So Sure About Delivered.
Heeheehee. Why, every time I think about this story about a seal trying to rape a penguin do I giggle? Maybe it’s this description that does it. The 100kg seal first subdued the 15kg penguin by lying on it. The penguin flapped its flippers and attempted to stand and escape – but to no avail. …
Continue reading “Signed, Sealed, … Not So Sure About Delivered.”
Tony BerZirkle
How did Tony Zirkle go from top prosecutor and graduate of the naval academy to, well, raving lune? He certainly is one of those now, one who is trying to win votes and enter the congress. Good luck, buddy. With ideas such as We now have a small army of male black porn stars that …
Military Stupidity
So let me get this straight. It’s perfectly ok to bring men with bad knees and hearing trouble back into combat, but heaven forbid you have completely able and willing women in there! If you have one, when she gets decorated with the silver star for being a fine medic, too much attention is being …
There Can Be Only One
Activists on the Greek island of Lesbos have filed a lawsuit against the Greek Gay and Lesbian Union in the hopes that a judge will ban the group from using the term lesbians to describe themselves. Residents of Lesbos now suffer “psychological and moral rape” from the “seizure” of their island’s name by gays, according …
Italian Tax Officials Make Identity Theft Easy
Hey there Massimo Romano, director of Italy’s tax office, what were you smoking when you decided to post everyone’s tax info on a site that anyone could look at? In an era of identity theft, in what universe did you think this was a good idea? Even without identity theft, since when was posting people’s …
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Sorry To Disappoint You
Here’s a sad note for Nancy Crockett, or is it Rochelle Crocket. Whatever your name is, going to college won’t prevent crappy treatment from coworkers. They may not lock you in a shed and hammer on it like these ones did, but they can still be assholes. At any rate, I’m glad you’re not working …
Somebody Needs To Study More
If you were compiling a list of people who should be prepared and unharmed in case of a fall, you’d probably put somebody from the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics right near the top. Unfortunately,you would be wrong. Yes, it’s a slow news week, why do you ask?
Officer Irony Is Back On The Job
If you have any information on the string of tire slashings in Guelph over the weekend, the aptly namedConstable Ashley Carrwould like to hear from you.
Child Luring
According to this report, one of the newest crazes for kids is going online, pretending to be sex offenders and scaring the shit out of other kids. I’m sure some of them do it to be funny, but the focus here is on the ones who are doing it as a way to get revenge …