Signed, Sealed, … Not So Sure About Delivered.

Heeheehee. Why, every time I think about this story about a seal trying to rape a penguin do I giggle? Maybe it’s this description that does it. The 100kg seal first subdued the 15kg penguin by lying on it. The penguin flapped its flippers and attempted to stand and escape – but to no avail. …

There Can Be Only One

Activists on the Greek island of Lesbos have filed a lawsuit against the Greek Gay and Lesbian Union in the hopes that a judge will ban the group from using the term lesbians to describe themselves. Residents of Lesbos now suffer “psychological and moral rape” from the “seizure” of their island’s name by gays, according …

Italian Tax Officials Make Identity Theft Easy

Hey there Massimo Romano, director of Italy’s tax office, what were you smoking when you decided to post everyone’s tax info on a site that anyone could look at? In an era of identity theft, in what universe did you think this was a good idea? Even without identity theft, since when was posting people’s …