Maybe Honesty Isn’t The Best Policy If You’re Weird

Are all these folks related? There’s 19-year-old Kevin J. Diaz, who after clubbing a passing cyclist in the head with an ice-scraper, said “I just got out of jail. I’m just trying to have fun and whoop some ass.” Next is Saeko Yoda, who happens to have a fine name. But the point is she …

Trouble In Paradise?

Ooo! this humdinger conclusion of a wedding night fits into a couple of categories. There’s of course the predictable category of humdinger wedding night conclusions, but also the groom is a dentist! This story has what the hell written all over it. Why did he Karate kick her? Why did she fight off people coming …

Mike’s Hard Lesson

I’m glad we have services in place to protect kids, when they work. It’s too bad they either don’t notice abuse going on until it is too late, or snatch kids seemingly unnecessarily. Somehow, Christopher Ratte didn’t realize he had bought his 7-year-old son Leo Mike’s Hard Lemonade at a ballgame. He asked for lemonade, …

Jibber Jabber, Chit Chat, and Tech Talk

I don’t know what’s up with me right now, but I’m full of this unfocused, nervous energy. I’m about as distracted as Trixie after she just saw a pup she likes. I thought maybe, just maybe, I could write a post and get that energy out. So here’s some randomness…ooo! A squirrel! I find the …

Ah Just Cut It In Half, Ya Greedy Pricks

This next story belongs in the roll up the rim to whine files. I have only one question for these two families. What moment is left for your sons to enjoy after you’ve sued each other’s asses off over a David Beckham jersey? Really, what lesson is to be learned? And who wants the jersey …

>And This Doesn’t Disturb You?

>Ya know, the appropriate response when your eight-year-old grandson slugs his teacher is not “He loves to hit.” You won’t love the fact that he’s facing felony battery charges. And you won’t love it if he ever loves to hit you, granny. Eight-year-olds only get bigger, and when he’s already 70 pounds, things aren’t lookin’ …

A New Target For Shoplifters

What’s with this trend? We had HomeDepot employees not allowed to chase down shoplifters. Now, Target has a policy that says security guards can’t stop shoplifters unless they’re one of the ones designated to do so, and if you’re not, even if you’re trying to stop a teen from stealing booze, you will be fired, …

Is The Dictionary Sexually Explicit Because It Contains The Word Sex?

If you’re thinking about opening a bookstore, or anything that sells anything bookish in Indiana, you’d better take a long, hard look at your content, because as of July, a new law states that if you’re going to sell anything that even remotely is in the ballpark of sexually explicit, you have to pay a …

She’s Pretty Mean With A Screwdriver

Hmmm. You would think it would take less than an hour and a half for the guy breaking into the house of a 95-year-old woman who was confined to a wheelchairto realize that she could reach out and stab him through that window, so maybe he should choose another way in. But he didn’t, and …