There’s been an update to thestrange story of Brian Persaud,the New York construction worker who went to the hospital after a knock on the head and wound up in court after a forced rectal exam. The verdict has come in, andthe hospital has been cleared of any wrongdoing. There are still a few things I …
Category Archives: news
That’ll Teach Him To Try To Rob The Blind
The story of a legally blind guy beating the crap out of an intruder and holding him at knifepoint for the cops would have been a great one, if not marred by a few quotes. Let’s start with one from a police officer, who Steve and I have been calling Lieutenant Ignoramus. It reads: “It’s …
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The Dipshits Got Off!
What the hell? Remember the dipshits who wheeled the corpse of their room-mate down the street to a cheque-cashing place so they could get his cheque? Well, charges were dropped! Apparently these guys were able to convince a judge that Cintron was alive before they left the house! Riiight! Then why did they wheel him …
The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From The Creepy Sex Offender Guy
About a week or so ago I kinda sorta mentioned Freddie Johnson, who has been arrested more than 50 times for groping women on subway trains. Well, as it turns out he’s got a twin brother named Teddy who, no shit, is famous for the exact same reason and is currently doing an 8 year …
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>Alligator Stew-Pidity
>You know, when you decide to rob a mobile home, bringing a six-foot alligator along for the ride probably isn’t a good idea. What did he think. Did he think the alligator would defend him? Did he think the police would just let him go by because he had an alligator in the back seat? …
Another Parental Disaster
Yeah, breaking a window with a brick and punching school officials who won’t release your daughter to you because you’re too hammered is a fine example to set for your 2-year-old daughter.
He’s 42 Years Old, Never Kissed A Girl
Someone please tell me how ugly this guy is. I’m endlessly curious.
Does The US Military Enjoy Getting Their Own Blood On Their Hands?
I don’t really have an organized thought pattern for this story, so I guess I’ll just start writing and see what comes out. James Raymond was a soldier in Afghanistan. He lost the hearing in one ear and he developed a bad knee that needed surgery. He was honourably discharged and declared 10% disabled. They …
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This Story Doesn’t Hold Any Water
Ok, a while back, I read a story about a guy, Chad Hudgens, a member of a sales team, who was held down while his team leader poured water down his nose as part of some kind of team-building exercise where he urged the team to work as hard to sell as Hudgens had to …
The Victoria Lindsay Story Gets Weirder
Here’s a puzzler for you. Remember I talked about that kid who got the crap kicked out of her by 6 kids who then put the beating on YouTube? Well Apparently the kids bought her drinks and apologized for the beating before leaving her at the drugstore. What kind of freaky people would do that? …