I Wonder If The Resulting Yelling Will Last For A Few Episodes Of Sesame Street

Nothing really amusing or horribly weird about this story, guy leaves kids in car while going into Wal-Mart. But what I do find really cute was the kids’ attempt to tell time. They were left in the car for the length of a Barney and Friends episode, but not as long as an episode of …

>We Are Gathered Here today To…Get This Creep Out Of Our Midst!

>Here’s a memorial service you’ll never forget. What the hell was up with this guy walking into an apartment where the mother of the deceased was holding a gathering to celebrate her daughter’s life, grabbing the deceased’s sister’s breast and then showing the mom nasty porn? There’s 0 explanation for why he would do that. …

Putting The Ass In Gold Class

We established long ago thatmovies and the theatre experience are for shit,but that’s not stopping a group of investors from pouring $200 million into something calledVillage Roadshow Gold Class Cinemas. What exactly is a Village Roadshow Gold Class Cinema, you ask. Well for starters, it’s a place where a movie ticket will cost you $35. …

Maybe You Don’t Need A Hard Hat Because You’re Hard-Headed

Grrr. This shit is what turns the public off of human rights lawsuits. Mander Singh Sohal and Kalwant Singh Sahota are two Sikh men working in a sawmill in B.C. Now that the boss brought in an obligatory hard hat policy to lower injury risk, they’re suing, even though they’ve been offered a job for …

A Penny Saved Is A Nickel Down The Drain

There’s a chance, albeit a slim one, that theditch the pennycrusademight be getting somewhere. The NDP’s Pat Martin introduced a private member’s bill yesterday calling foran end to the pennyin Canada for all the reasons I’ve been harping on, mainly that the things cost more to make than they’re actually worth and that people don’t …

Dude, Where’s Our Building?

This story sounds like it was written just for us. Not only is it heavy on irony, but the ridiculous theft element is also in full effect. The Austrian village of Traismauer has a crime problem. Solution? Build a new youth centre and use it to get local youngsters involved in productive and positive activities. …