When I Grow UP, I Want To Crush children’s Imaginations

If this column by Rosa Brooks is any indication, her kids will be in therapy before they reach their teens. Hopefully this article was mostly written as a joke, but somehow I doubt it. I have one question for this woman. If she doesn’t like Disney Princess stuff, why does she own their movies and …

Today’s The Day The Teddy Bears Hump Their Picnic

Ever sincethat poor bastard in the UK found himself on the sex offender registry for having relations with a bike,Carin and I have had this odd fascination with stories about people humping stuff. It’s not that we’re looking for pointers or anything, it’s more about what will and won’t get you labeled a pervert in …

Ouch, My Nipples Hurt Thinking About That!

Note to anyone interested: Don’t go to Lubbock Airport if you have nipple rings. If you do, and they set off the metal detector, you have to remove them,even if it means using pliers to get them off. Shiver shiver shiver! What possible danger could a nipple ring pose? If they know it’s a nipple …

Here’s What I Think Of Your Stupid Water Bill.

I have learned several things from this article about a man trying to pay a water bill with a cheque written on toilet paper. They are: Don’t piss off Ron Borgna. If he doesn’t agree with you, he will fight to the end, and so he should. The town of Binghamton has a lot of …

In A Related Story, New Research Suggests That Bears Do In Fact Shit In The Woods

Does the fact that some of the more Conservative leaning callers to radio talk shows are scripted by the government surprise any of you? Because it sure shocked the heck out of somebody over at the Canadian Press, at least it seems that way if this little gee whillickers, look what I found article means …

The Best Laid Plans…

Ya know, it’s great to plan ahead. But when it comes to robbing a convenience store, maybe calling to make sure there’s cash in the till before you drive down there isn’t such a good idea. The scary thing is it worked in two previous robberies! How does that happen. Someone calls saying he’s coming …