You’re On Fired!

Erie, Pennsylvania firefighter Mary Wolski has gone to court to get her job back because she says her termination violated her constitutional rights. The reason she was let go? While trying to take her own life, Wolskiset her father’s house on fire.No mention was made of whether or not she also helped to put it …

This School Board Needs Improvement

Here’s a message for the Massachusetts Board of Education: Wouldn’t you be better off spending your time and money fixing your under-performing schools than looking for a kinder word than under-performing? You know what they say about a rose by any other name? Well, it’s true. People can see through the bullshit, so spare them, …

Ladies And Gentlemen Of the Jury?

I don’t know what it is, but there’s something really weird about two jurors screwing in a courthouse bathroom, especially since they’re jurors in the case of a child molester. I would think hearing that kind of evidence would turn people off sex. But because of these two wackos, the trial will be put on …

I’d Like To Buy The World A Nail…

At long last, I have found the answer to a question that has been puzzling the world since…sometime last week. that question of course is how do you take a story aboutthe government trying to regulate a bunch of lunatics crucifying themselvesand make it even weirder? The answer is one of those things that’s so …

Safe Mock Crucifictions?

You’ve heard the stories about the people in the Philippines who whip themselves and simulate the crucifiction on Good Friday, right? Well, now, since there’s no way to stop it, Philippine health officials are telling people to please do it safely. That’s right. Get a tetanus shot, use sterile nails and clean whips to cause …

Holiday Marketing 101

It’s nice to see that even the drug dealers among us can get into the holiday spirit. Five Marietta, Ohio residents were arrested this week forselling crack cocaine that was dyed green in honour of St. Patrick’s Day. “I don’t know if they’re Irish or not,” Washington County Sheriff Larry R. Mincks said of the …

I Click, Therefore I Am

It seems the courts disagree, but the FBI’s new method of rounding up child porn suspects sounds an awful lot like entrapment to me. The FBI has recently adopted a novel investigative technique: posting hyperlinks that purport to be illegal videos of minors having sex, and then raiding the homes of anyone willing to click …