Up, Up And Away In A Helium Balloon

Oh boy. Maybe the best thing that could happen to Lefkos Hajji would be to never find the $12000-ring intended for his fiance that he put in a helium balloon that was ripped from his hands by a gust of wind. If the accidental loss of a ring can make his wife to be so …

I guess The Story Isn’t So Ridiculous After All

Well, it looks like the story the other day about the safe texting street was a bit of a stretch. I guess the street hasn’t been officially made safe for all bumbling idiots. A research company found out a lot of people collide with stuff on that street, so set up the padding as a …

The Picture Of Stupidity

I’m confused. What law says you’re not allowed to snap a photo of under cover cops while they’re conducting a search warrant? If they’re under cover, there’s nothing to see. If there’s something to see, well I guess they blew their cover. But Randy Dean Sievert is being charged, and accused of violating his probation. …

The Bitter Biddle Battle

I’m all cool with seeing someone get back what they’re owed, especially from the government, but doesn’t it get a little ridiculous when the person getting repaid is the original lender’s great granddaughter, a great granddaughter who is 77, and the debt is 147 years old? At this point, I don’t think anyone would have …

Well, He Did Do What She Said…

Wow. Just imagine what would happen if we took everything a teacher said completely literally. “Put your nose in the corner.” “Eat the microphone.” “Hold it or pee in my lunchbox!” That’s exactly what the student did. He took her lunchbox behind a book-case, drained his lizard, and gave it back to the teacher. Just …

Accuracy? What’s That?

If I’m a reporter, I would think the most important thing to do is to make sure I’m talking to the person I think I am. Ya know, if I’m supposed to be interviewing Hillary Rodham Clinton, I don’t accidentally interview Hillary Wicai Viers, communications director for another senator. But that’s exactly what John Goodall, …

Hey! Policeman! Leave Those Kids Alone!

Ok, let’s put another reason on the British kid misery pile. Now, Gary Pugh of Scotland Yard thinks it would be a good idea to get the DNA of early-offending little brats so we can lock ’em up before they commit serious crimes. That’s just too creepy. And he thinks he can figure out which …

You Still Have To Wait, Now You Just Wait Outside

Here’s another reason you should not go to Britain. If you get sick enough to warrant a trip to the ER by ambulance, there is no priority system that says patience arriving via ambulance jump the queue, and if hospital staff don’t believe they can see you within four hours, as required by law, you …

American Airlines: Something Special In The Hair

Yuck! Imagine getting settled in your seat on a plane, going to sleep and waking up to find that the man sitting next to you is masturbating and has jacked in your hair! Ug! Fucking disgusting! I don’t know if I’d sue American Airlines, the airline with which she was flying, unless I knew for …