Maybe She Didn’t Want Her Boyfriend To Squeeze The Charmin

Well, we have an update about that woman who was found stuck to her john. I guess she wasn’t sitting on the throne for the whole two years, but she was in the bathroom that long. She had been sitting on the toilet for a month. Now, the burning question of how her boyfriend managed …

Excuse Me. Can You Point Me In The Direction Of The Reaper?

This story about an assisted suicide facility in Switzerland moving in next to a brothel is a little quirky, but this statement jumped out at me. The only problem ever is that Dignitas (the assisted suicide centre) doesn’t advertise its presence – and a lot of people get lost and have to ask for directions. …

If This Is Any indication, We’ll Need A Sex-offenders Against Animals Registry Soon.

Here are two cases of men who are lucky they don’t live in Scotland, because if they did, they’d be on the sex-offenders registry so fast, and they’d sure deserve it more than Ye old bike-humper. There’s Joshua Coman of Kansas who likes canine ass, and was very fortunate that his victim, a rottweiler, didn’t …

I Guess She Had The Fucking Guts. It’s Me Who Lacks The Brain

We’ve all seen the scene on TV where someone has tried everything to persuade a suicidal person not to do it, and out of desperation, they try to snap them out of it. But if you’re going to try that in real life, for one, be sure you have things very much under control, and …

Let Them Bake Cake

Sure, these guys could have turned their lives around, but they’re gangster prisoners, you’re guards, and they just baked you a cake! Shouldn’t one of you have thought it was a bad idea to chow down? Guess not, since you’re all in the hospital being treated for mysterious symptoms. I’m just amazed that nobody took …

Ug! People And Their Explosive Tempers…

I don’t know whether to feel relieved, disgusted, or completely frustrated by this. Leaders of the world’s Muslim nations have decided to sue countries where humourists live who choose to make fun of Islam. They say their proposed “legal tool” would be similar to the laws against claiming the holocaust didn’t happen. Here’s the part …

Season Until Slightly Stupid

A pair of bank robbers burst into tears and collapsed choking in Poland after they tried to use pepper spray on a cashier in front of an air conditioning unit. The wind blew the spray back over the pair, who staggered from the bank in the south-western city of Wroclaw empty handed. A local police …

I Think the Daily Mail Has A Fear Of Good Questions

How is it possible to write an entire story on afamous chef with a food phobia so intense that all he could eat was cookieswithout asking him why, if the fear was so bad, he decided to build his entire life around cooking? Call me crazy, but it seems to me that would be the …