Bridge To Nowhere

I’m endlessly fascinated when odd things that you’d think would be impossible to steal get stolen. Things like rollercoasters, beaches or in the most recent case a 4 tonne railway bridge. The article is hilarious too, written pretty much exactly how I would have written it. The company which was responsible for looking after the …

Playing With Your Head

I never noticed them saying in this article that along with the brain-reading headset, there is a backup controler that uses the old-fashioned hands, because I think you’d need it. There is no way some game developer has managed to master the reading of thoughts when we can’t seem to create devices to do this …

Define Anyone, Please

I saw a story all about this woman who keeps getting declared dead by government computers when she’s not, and a statement jumped out at me. after someone dies, Social Security releases that person’s personal information on computer discs. He said the information is sold to anyone who wants it, like the Web site …

Tax Dollars Well Spent

Federal minister apologizes for joke he’s not sure he told Federal Fisheries Minister Loyola Hearn has apologized for a joke he’s not sure he made, responding to a complaint from a politician who didn’t hear it. Joan Burke, Newfoundland and Labrador’s education minister, demanded Hearn apologize Wednesday for telling what she called a sexist joke …

He Didn’t Know His Defense Was Dead Until The Trial Was Concluded

So, we’re expected to believe that Mark Dixie happened upon a woman lying in a pool of blood and covered in stab wounds in a driveway, decided that this was one hot babe, screwed her and didn’t realize she was dead until he was done, and his DNA was found in another woman who was …

Go! To Sleep Airlines

It’s never explained in this article why they think pilots fell asleep while flying and overshot their destination. Come on! It was a 45-minute flight! Just imagine that voice recorder. Let’s hope it didn’t capture any z’s. All I can say, in this case at least, is thank god for autopilot. Then again, maybe it …

>I’d Rather Be In Jail Than In The Ground

>Here’s a piece of advice for women who have suicidal, homicidal x-boyfriends and the police tell you that if you call them one more time about him, they’ll arrest you both. If you really feel he’s going to kill you, go ahead and call. you’ll be in jail, but you’ll both be alive. god damn …

Dear Anti-vandal – Please Put Your Hands Where I Can See ‘Em

61-Year-old Janusz Nowak of Sosnowiec, Poland, has had it with vandalism. To show his displeasure, he recently decided to send a message to his local hoods in the hopes that, I guess, they might just see the error of their ways and go out and get new hobbies. His message? “Dear Vandals – please stop …