Welcome To Wal-Mart. You Got Any Spare Change?

According to a recent survey conducted by police in Coos Bay, Oregon,the panhandlers that hang around outside of the local Wal-Mart make in a day what clerks inside make in a week. I’m not sure if I feel more shocked that this is allowed to happen in a so-called civilized society or guilty that I …

Out, Demon, Out!

This story is just riddled with good stuff, so riddled that I’m having trouble forming a coherent thought. In the town of Poczernin, Poland, there is a priest named Andrzej Trojanowski wanting to set up an exorcism center. Exorcists say, and I quote, “Typical cases include people who turn away from the church and embrace …

Motel Sit. We’ll Leave The Light On For Ya.

They never mention in this story how expensive a stay in a PetSmart Pets Hotel is. What is the funniest part of this story? Is it the fact that TV’s in all the rooms are tuned to Animal Planet? Is it that they serve the dogs dairy-free yogourt? No, that’s disturbing, because what is dairy-free …

Talk about Your Adverse Reaction

It’s gotta suck when you’re having a severe reaction to medication that makes you look like you’ve been through a fight of epic proportions, you call 911, and they misunderstand what’s happening to be a domestic violence incident, and arrest your husband. It’s also gotta suck when an ambulance doesn’t come for at least 15 …

Talk About Your bizarre Love Triangle

Wow. There is definitely nothing boring about the Bowrings. They certainly are the furthest thing from it. So, a dad, James, starts dating the son, Jacob’s girlfriend Krystal, and now she’s having his baby, and the son’s upset about this, and the dad tries to run him over? Woe! These people are freaks. Freaks who …

They’ve Got the Vote Early Part Down…

What’s up with all the confusion around when people are supposed to vote in the U.S. this year? Now we have folks showing up a half-hour…and a week early in Milwaukee, and 1000 people calling Dallas officials about where to vote last Tuesday except they don’t vote for a month. I’m glad people want to …

I’ll Pry That $5 Out Of Your Cold, Dead Hands

Barbara Antonelliis a much more forgiving soul than I will ever, ever be. If I were having a heart attack in my doctor’s office and some stupid bitch receptionist was getting in the way of the people trying to save me so that she could collect the $5 payment I owed, I’d be demanding her …