Now there’s a sucky day. A guy broke into a minimart, but was scared off by police. He ran and ran and ran…and ran onto the grounds of Sing Sing State Prison! Woops! Needless to say, he’s not running anymore. A guard got him, and off he went to jail. But you know what his …
Category Archives: news
Craig’s Hit List
Here’s another one for the You’re stupid files. Ann Marie Linscott decided that the wife of a man with whom she had an affair must die. But who was going to do it? She decided to find the hitman by posting an ad on Craigslist, the popular buy and sell site. She didn’t exactly say …
Welcome to the USA
If you come to New York for a vacation and bring your kids, for god’s sake, don’t need medical attention. If you do, like Yvonne Bray from Britain did, they’ll take your kids into an orphanage, treat them like juvenile delinquents, strip-search them and ask them questions like “Have you been raped?” or “Are you …
Lawyer Error
Here’s a second super prick. The lawyer for a co-pilot, and only survivor of a doomed flight said that the passengers of the flight shared the blame because they should have known that flying out of that airport was dangerous. Not surprisingly, that claim has been withdrawn. Um, too late. You’re officially skum.
But But But What About My Car?
You’ve got to be a special kind of prick to hit a kid, kill him, and sue his family so you can repair the damage to your car. If that’s not prickish enough, this quote should seal it. “I’m also a victim in all of this, you can’t fix the lad’s problems, but you can …
Wrong Number In A Big Way
Man, we’re just full of stories about stupid people today. Our latest moron text messaged someone about buying some pills, but got the wrong number, and ended up texting a police detective. So, you can guess they lined themselves up for an arrest. Easy there, fast-fingers. You’d think you’d check the number before making an …
Now, You’re Fired!
Here’s a tip for any disgruntled employees/employees with job-security issues. Next time you think you’re going to be terminated, unleash your revenge *after* you know you’ve been axed. Oh, and don’t be the only person capable of committing said revenge.
What Am I Gonna Do With Your Tattoo
Yeah, people are dumb. Why do I bother saying that anymore? But here’s another example. Not one, not two, but three women answered their door to find a random dude with a home-made tattoo gun standing there offering them a tattoo, and said yes! Now, quelle surprise, they all have an infection and don’t know …
Stairway To Oops
I shouldn’t be laughing at this, and I feel like a horrible person for laughing, but I am. What is so funny about a guy all ready to go set off a suicide bomb falling down some stairs and setting it off too soon? I don’t know, but I can’t stop laughing. And then I …
Now the Legislators Of Iowa Definitely Need Prayer
Man, people are narrow-minded. The Iowa legislature had its usual prayer at the opening of the session, only this time, it was said by a muslim Imam, and because of that, people are getting all bent out of shape over some words. They claim that it wasn’t a prayer, but some kind of political statement …
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