The Wheels On the Bus Go…Something Something Something

There’s a part of me that wonders if this is a hoax, but if there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years it’s not to assume that things this stupid are impossible, so… Stagecoach has put together a book of instructions for people who have forgotten how to catch and use busses because they’ve spent …

Ever Heard The Term "Don’t Judge A Book By Its Cover?"

Ug. I have few words for this story, only that people can’t read, or think anymore. If you saw a book with a picture of a family on the cover, with the following words below it:“A Family Affair: BTC is the perfect fit for the White family.” what would you think? would it be….a. The …

Maybe They Should Steal Some Brains

Attention car thieves: If you’re stealing a car to get to your anti-car theft counselling sessions, it’s time to go to jail, boys. I don’t understand why these kids were getting counselling if they’re the worst offenders in the car theft department you can find. And that story about it being too cold to walk? …

>Give The Gift Of Drug Company Trinkets

>Ok, let me get this straight. an operator of several hospitals and clinics in Minnesota has decided to get rid of all the trinkets that have been given to doctors from drug companies. They say it’s a conflict of interest. Great! I understand. But here’s where I get confused. They’re going to send them to …

They Should Have Idiot Proofed It While They Were At It

A so-called “theft proof” police car worth about £75,000 was stolen from the Berlin Police force recently when 2 officers left it unlocked and unattended with the keys still in the ignition while they tried to chase down a separate car thief. According toAnanova,not only did they wind up losing the car, but the suspect …