Ho Ho Hope I haven’t Been Ho HO Hosed Again

Well, it looks like, if this is the truth, I’m going to have to swallow my rage at the removal of the words “ho ho ho” from Australian Santas’ repertoire. It appears that wasn’t even close to the truth, or so the folks who trainSantas in Australia claim. They say they only told them to …

>Try And Dig Yourself Out Of This One

>Wow, this Minneapolis cop should run off with this Orlando cop to the island of assholes so they can never be seen again. When you’re a police officer, and there’s a bus full of old women stuck in a snowbank, you don’t a. refuse to help and b. give a lady who’s going to shovel …

Who Needs Taste When You’ve Got Dirty Slogans On Your Kids’ Panties?

This next story about panties definitely beats the Chinese takeout panties from years gone by. I’m really wishing Steve had mentioned what department store he was in when he saw those, because that could have been important now. Anyway, we have a new story. Wal-Mart was selling panties that said “Who needs a credit card” …

I Love The Smell of Great Korea In The Morning…It Smells Like…Victory.

This is kinda creepy, but is it underhanded? I’m still not sure. In South Korea, volunteers supporting one of the candidates have been spraying a perfume called Great Korea into the crowd at ralleys. They did the same at the polls. They say it’s in the hopes that people will remember what the candidate said …