Some People May Find This Offensive, And That’s Good

Man, in all the flurry of political correctness, we’re getting stupid. But of course this is no news to anyone. What we’re forgetting is sometimes not sanitizing someone’s words is more useful than not offending anyone. Let me explain. A while ago, city councilor Sandra Tucker of Dacono, Colorado, copied a big, long, offensive, not …

DNA, Baby, That Spells Hahahahahahahahahah!

This is just too funny. James Watson, one of the guys who figured out DNA and its structure, started making racist assumptions and trying to back them up with science. He said that Africans, and black Americans who descended from them, just weren’t as smart as white people. Then, he decided to put his genome …

I Didn’t Know Homeless People Had DVD Players

I don’t know how to feel about this story. I think it’s great that high school kids are raising money for the homeless, but does this really sound like a hard night? Sure, it was cold that night, but the kids could go inside for pizza, coffee and hot chocolate, play some basketball games in …

All I Want For Christmas Is An Odd Combination Of Things

With Carin gone for the holidays and me leaving tomorrow, things are likely going to be pretty quiet around here for the next week or 2. but before we all but close up shop for the most un-vacation-like vacation of the year, here are a few random links to keep you entertained while we’re off …

It’s Chr***mas Time In The City

This right here boggles my mind, so please, everybody on the bus as we travel down the road to absurdity. Ottawa’s Elmdale Public School created controversy recently when it was learned that teachers had decided to change the lyrics to one of the songs that was to be sung during a holiday singalong assembly. the …

The Stupidest Hero I’ve Ever Had

The next time you’re drinking at a party and think you’re hot shit because you can hold it well, consider this story. A 64-year-old German air passenger almost popped his clogs earlier this week after quaffing a litre of vodka officials told him he couldn’t take on the aircraft. According to Spiegel, the man was …

My Bowl Runneth Over

Dawn Herb, the woman hauled into court forswearing at her toilet,hashad her charges thrown out and will not have to do any time or part with any money. District Judge Terrence Gallagher earlier this week dismissed the charge on the grounds that while Herb’s language “may be considered by some to be offensive, vulgar and …

If This Post Sucks, It’s Google’s Fault

Somebody please tell me if I’m reading the end ofthis articlewrong or missing something, because I fail to see how gang members using a certain brand of baseball caps as part of the outfit becomes something that the company needs to be held responsible for. Think of it this way. If I buy a computer …

If You Go Down to Sudan Today, You’re In For A Big Surprise

This is also from the old news department, but I need to blog it before Christmas chaos hits. There is a British teacher who is lucky to escape Sudan with her life. Why? She allowed her 7-year-old students to name a teddy bear Mohammed! But she still says she had a fabulous time in Sudan. …