Wow. Santa isn’t just dirty in bot form. Now, if you had sent a lettre to Santa in Canada, you might have gotten a nasty lettre back. Seriously. Apparently, one of Santa’s volunteer elves decided to send children some not so nice notes, ranging from demeaning to inappropriate. Damn I wish I could see one …
Category Archives: news
It’s That Time Of Year Again
Michigan Lawsuit Abuse Watch [M-LAW[ has announced the winners of this year’s Wacky Warning Labels Contest, and as usual, there are some doozies. “DANGER: AVOID DEATH” WARNING WINS TOP PRIZE IN M-LAW’S ELEVENTH ANNUAL WACKY WARNING LABEL CONTESTA label on a small tractor that warns, “Danger: Avoid Death,” has been chosen as the nation’s most …
Ya Better Watch Out, Ya Better Not..Ask Santa If He Wants Pizza
I know this is old news, but I’m behind, and it’s still funny and creapy. Apparently, Microsoft created a Windows Live ID for Santa that people can add and it asks them what they want for Christmas and such. Supposedly, it is a bot. But it’s a bot with a very dirty mind, as a …
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Britain Doesn’t Have Identity Theft. It Has Identity Finders Keepers.
If you thought Britain’s handing disks full of confidential data to a bloke on a bike was bad, then the thought of a bunch of confidential stuff falling off a truck on the side of the road, and 6 similar breaches in the space of two years will make you shit yourself. Yikes. To say …
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Since We’re Not Helping Anybody, You Might As Well Help Yourself
Maybe it’s just me, but something about the idea of cops sticking yellow tickets to parked cars that have visible packages inside of them sounds more like crime assistance than prevention. They can say they’re trying to help remind people to better secure their purchases all they want, but there has to be a better …
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Today’s Dose Of Irony
A group of scientists at the University of Illinois at Chicago recently conducted experiments on animals to try to determine whether homosexuality is hard-wired genetically or can be turned on and off using a combination of gene manipulation and drugs. And what sort of animals would you suppose these scientists used for these experiments? If …
Tell Me He Did Not Just Say That!
This is just funny. I never knew the closed captions were so inaccurate. Well, during the time of the Southern California fires, they really blew their comic relief load. I read about this in Snopes, but since the silly folk didn’t caption their picture, I couldn’t laugh along. Luckily, Randy Cassingham thought enough of us …
This Little Piggy Went Whine Whine Whine Whine Whine All The Way Home
Ok, there’s a minor league team in Allentown, Pennsylvania. The team is called the Iorn Pigs. They have a mascot. It’s name is Pork Chop. But apparently, it can be Pork Chop no more because that’s some kind of slur against Hispanics. Or maybe, just maybe, it refers to a pig, and the team name …
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Christmas Is Coming, And There’s Not Enough Goose Fat
Ok. This is just dumb. Goose fat has been sold for years with nobody really buying a whole ton of it. But since some girl, Nigella Lawson whoever she is, got on a talk show and said it was the best way to add flavour to your roast potato, everybody wants some, including big companies …
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It Gives Me the Shakes Just To Think About It
So, Bulgaria needs another nuclear reactor, and they think that a fine location would be right in an earthquake zone, the same earthquake zone where 120 people died in, um, an earthquake. But that earthquake never happened. Nope, nope. Never happened. What are they trying to do, kill more people. I think saying that “Bulgaria …
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