Whshhhoooh . . . White Lightnin’

I can’t put my finger on what exactly it is that makesthis storyso great. It could be a drunken man trying to shoplift a box of “giant red hot pickled sausages” from a grocery store at 3 AM while at the same time deciding to pay for a couple boxes of beer. it could be …

If At First You Don’t Succeed, Sometimes It’s Ok Not To Worry About The Try Try Again Part

Today, like most days anymore, appears to be stupid day. Earlier Iwroteabout a guy who got his shit fucked up by some pansies from Utah, and now, not even an hour later, there’s something that might give that story a run for its money. A Michigan burglar was surprised to find that a house he …

My Gang Can Beat Up Your Gang

I shouldn’t have to tell any of you this, but if you ever find yourself tempted to question the toughness of an area’s street gangs compared to that of the ones where you’re from, just don’t. Failure to heed this seemingly obvious warning is likely to land you in the same place as an unidentified …

Was Everyone at Hershey On Drugs?

Yeah, this sounds like a great idea. Hershey has decided to put out a candy that looks remarkably like nickel bags of drugs. What could possibly go wrong? Hmmm. Let’s see. People could get wrongfully arrested for eating candy. Kids could accidentally get a hold of bags of drugs and swallow their contents thinking they’re …

Horse Shit From A Different Direction

I wasn’t going to blog this, but it keeps calling me, begging to be mentioned. There’s a group home that owns 3 acres of property within the city limits. They want to have two miniature horses for therapeutic purposes. But because of some neighbours being worried about potential problems, the horses have been removed because …

Maybe It’s Time To Make Some Room

Wow. I’ve bitched about people forgetting their kids in their cars before, but the story of Jennifer Carter loading them into the trunk because her car was too full of cargo to fit them where they should ride takes the cake. Luckily, the kids weren’t hurt, and mommy dearest is being charged, but good lord. …

Sink Your Teeth Into This

I said a little while ago that we had too many creapy dentists. Well, we must, because a robo-dental patient has been created to be able to let a dental trainee know when something hurts. That’s cool. But, this female look-alike’s sensors include some on her breast area to detect if she has been touched …

Three Wrongs Definitely Don’t Make A Right.

Wow. A few months ago, at Rhode Island Hospital, a neurosurgeon relied on his memory to know which side of a patient’s head had the problem and found out his memory wasn’t so good, and the patient died. Fast-forward to November, at the same hospital, when another neurosurgeon opens the wrong side of another patient’s …