Stop In The Name Of The Anthem

Man, I’m all for patriotism, but having all traffic stop for the National anthem sounds like a recipe for disaster. Thank god, when someone proposed that bit of legislation in Thailand, someone else thought they should think about it for a while. Imagine if you missed the memo? Then, after you smashed into your fellow …

It’s A Real Cool Pub, And You’re Not Part Of It

Maybe I’m crazy, but the idea of a bar setting up a swipe card system to keep the crazy drunks out just sounds dumbest of dumb. But that’s what the Pelham Buckle in Britain is doing. Here’s the first reason this just seems idiotic. How many times do people try out a new bar just …

Special Water For Woofer

Good lord this is stupid. Some people are throwing money away buying bottled water. Now, they can throw money away buying bottled water for their pets! The company, Aquience, says that all pets, but particularly cats, aren’t getting enough liquid in their diet, and are getting urinary disorders. So they decided to sell bottled water …

Yep, That’s Definitely A Disaster

Here I go again, ragging on Britain. But in this case, I think they deserve a whole hell of a lot more. A junior official decided that the best way to send two computer disks full of the bank account and personal info of every British citizen receiving the child benefit, i.e. every family in …

It’s Not Me, Eh, Sir!

Wow. This is just dumb. Police are looking for Anthony Johnson, a black dude. Somehow, they get his license number mixed up with that of Andrew Johnson, a white dude, and Andrew Johnson gets grabbed. He’s released, but his license is suspended until he can prove that he isn’t Anthony Johnson! Hellooo! How hard is …

Passed Out Where? In A What? With A Who?

A dude breaks into a garage, then gets scared off to a neighbour’s garage, where he steals a mountain bike, a lawn mower, a stuffed toy and a blanket, returns to the first garage, and is found two hours later passed out in a boat with his pants down next to the now anatomically correct …

Suddenly, $35 Doesn’t Seem Like That Much

Just picture the complete suckery that a day like the one described in this story would entail. It definitely outsucks subjecting your taste-buds to a vegan brownie! Man is mugged at gas station, man chases after mugger in his car, man gets out to chase him on foot leaving keys in ignition, completely unrelated men …